Retry Page Load 作者: 33WIN - Trang chủ chính thức từ nhà cái
If loading a page fails, try again after x seconds. The reload bypasses the browser cache. This add-on was inspired by the sadly discontinued add-on TryAgain, but is in no way affiliated to it or its authors.
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展
The "Retry Page Load" extension is a useful tool designed to automatically retry loading a webpage if the initial attempt fails. Inspired by the discontinued "TryAgain" add-on, this extension eliminates the need for users to manually reload a page every time it fails to load, improving the browsing experience by saving time. The extension automatically tries to reload the page after a set delay (e.g., 5 seconds) and can repeat this action several times if the page still doesn't load successful
- 存取浏览器标签页
- 获知浏览器导航时的行为状态
- 存取您在所有网站的数据
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