RYM Last.fm Stats 作者: Landen
Enhance your RateYourMusic experience with Last.fm integration - view scrobble stats, recent tracks and top albums directly on RYM pages.
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展

RYM Last.fm Stats enhances your RateYourMusic (RYM) browsing experience by seamlessly incorporating Last.fm statistics and personal listening data.
Key Features:
⚠️ Important: This addon expects from you to create your own Last.fm API key and put it on the Options page.
Perfect for music enthusiasts who want to bridge their Last.fm listening history with their RYM experience, making music discovery and tracking more integrated and efficient.
Note: This extension is not affiliated with or endorsed by Rate Your Music / Sonemic or Last.fm.
Key Features:
- View Last.fm Statistics: See global listeners and scrobble counts on artist and release pages, along with your personal scrobbling counts
- Recent Tracks: Display your recently scrobbled tracks on your RYM profile, with convenient links to RYM's search page. You can see Recent Tracks even on other RYM users profile pages, if they have added last.fm profile link into their RYM profile!
- Top Albums Overview: Track your most-played albums from the last 30 days right on your profile page
- Flexible Configuration: Customize your experience by enabling or disabling individual modules based on your preferences
⚠️ Important: This addon expects from you to create your own Last.fm API key and put it on the Options page.
Perfect for music enthusiasts who want to bridge their Last.fm listening history with their RYM experience, making music discovery and tracking more integrated and efficient.
Note: This extension is not affiliated with or endorsed by Rate Your Music / Sonemic or Last.fm.
- 访问您在 rateyourmusic.com 的数据
- 访问您在 rateyourmusic.com 的数据
- 访问您在 ws.audioscrobbler.com 的数据
1.3.3 的发布说明
- Bugfix
- Recent tracks - now Track Title also leads to RYM Search
- Recent tracks - add support for scrobbled tracks without album
- Recent tracks - now Track Title also leads to RYM Search
- Recent tracks - add support for scrobbled tracks without album
Landen 制作的更多扩展
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- 目前尚无评分
- 目前尚无评分