Simple Tab Groups 的评价
Simple Tab Groups 作者: Drive4ik
203 条评价
- 评分 4 / 5来自 abdiisaa mohamed,4 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Punk'n,4 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Eduardo Garcia-Prieto,4 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 JennieRubyJane,4 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 PK,4 年前It would be nice if it didn't rely on bookmarking pages and if it could sync pages and groups between devices.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 helkav,5 年前this would be 5 if groups could be synced between devices along with your firefox login. otherwise it's really handy
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Alex,5 年前This is a great extension and I use it constantly, both for tab grouping and tab backups (which come useful with Firefox rarely being 100% stable for me). I have some comments about backup mechanism though:
- (quite major) I sometimes end up with a bunch of tabs not assigned to any group - and these don't get backed up! I have known about this for a while, but still it occasionally trips me up. It would be much better if the backup included "ungrouped" tabs as well, maybe in a new dummy group. This behaviour can be made optional if for whatever reason it's expected that someone might want to opt out.
- (minor) Backups don't save tab distribution between windows, so after crash I have to manually recreate windows and shuffle the tabs between them, but that's more of an inconvenience, as long as all tabs are restored.
And again, thank you very much! - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13564923,5 年前расширение хорошее, но есть пара вещей, которые делают его совершенно бесполезным...
1. невозможно открыть один файл в сохраненной группе, но только всю группу (а если там 20 файлов? вот и приходится открывать всю группу целиком)... крайне неудобно...
2. невозможно ни синхронизировать, ни сохранить эти группы в архиве (что бы в случае переустановки браузера - восстановить вкладки, или синхронизировать с других браузером)...
... вот это и делает это расширение - совершенно бесполезным...
upd как по волшебству на следующее утро после написания претензий открылась (сама по себе) вкладка настроек, где есть опция бэкапа и восстановления всех групп, как видно Санта Клаус прочитал мою жалобу и помог... меняю ради него свою оценку, но вопрос по открытию единственной вкладки из всей группы остается... - 评分 4 / 5来自 ClickyBlue,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Naing159,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 rundsee,5 年前Hi, I love that Addon so much ❤️ - my greatest wish is, that you decide to support the new Safari for the new "MacOS Big Sur" which support extensions like firefox. I will change from FF to Safari when I use MacOS Big Sur in autum. Thank you very much. 🙏🙏🙏
Here some details from Apple: - 评分 4 / 5来自 ABO,5 年前If now only the Groups could be stored in folders/ Top-groups that would be very handy regarding the overview.
- like this I have many groups, but cannot devide the frequently used ones from the longterm stored ones.
Also it would be amazing if one could rename the containers and even set up more of them... - 评分 4 / 5来自 Pierre,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14173973,5 年前Quite nice, easy to use. Occasionally everything disappears (the groups are there but the tabs are all "0"), so I just reload from last backup. I would love a way to spec the directory for backups, so I could backup to cloud automatically.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Duren,5 年前Very powerful add-on! There are a lot of settings!
But I can't change the parent folder for backup subfolder! How can I do it? It's very uncomfortable!开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Thanks! You can change the name of the folder in the addon settings. Subfolders are not supported by browser due to security - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14420446,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Чувак,5 年前1. When i take "url" manage groups from adress bar (for example moz-extension://8e9a54bb-e738-413f-ae0e-f28052cf45da/manage/manage.html) and make this url my home page, and then use hotkey or gestures to start homepage - manage groups starting, but tabs in groups deleting after transitions to other groups. Its sad.
2. Tab "manage groups" not deleting if i run manage groups and select other tab in current group, i forced periodycaly delet this tab. And why tab "manage groups" visible in manage groups?
3. Window "manage groups" does not remember window position and size, and why i cant maximaze window?
That's all for now, tnx. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Andres Palshal,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Ban_Mido,5 年前A few versions ago I can't do a manual backup, when I click on the "Save" button it simply does absolutely nothing, automatic copies don't work either. The only way I have to save my groups is with the option to save in bookmarks, the truth is that I prefer to save it in a separate file because of what may happen, the profile could be deleted and I would lose everything if it is only there, I hope you can Fix this bug.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15698888,5 年前Works well and has saved me many hassles keeping track of things. My only complaint is how it reloads all pages on launch, slowing things down.
Otherwise, a wonderful tool. Thanks for all your work.开发者回应
发布于 5 年前Hello! Thanks! Addon can not do this, except that a very old version. Perhaps you do not have session recovery enabled (in your browser settings)?
Please write here and I will try to help you.