Simple Tab Groups 的评价
Simple Tab Groups 作者: Drive4ik
1,083 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Zeioth,7 年前Thank you for doing this! It's awesome!! One cool feature would be to have an option to not load all tabs when you change group. That should increase the performance a LOT!
EDIT: The regular expression feature is incredible. Pure sugar for power users. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12889199,7 年前But I'm facing a little problem, unlike the provided screenshots, the extension menu fills some unnecessary space when just 2 groups are in the list as seen in this screenshot: prntscr . com / hmwwxz
Would be great if you could fix it :) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13576947,7 年前Great replacement for the legendary "Tab groups" . Working as intended, the only inconvenience being it loads all the tabs at once, instead of only the active one.
Thank you guys !开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Upd:
Please, update addon to latest version. In latest version I added option to fast switch groups and auto load only active tab, not all tabs.
Thanks for your feedback! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13572409,7 年前It brings back old tab groups extension that doesn't work on Firefox Quantum. However needs some improvements. I like working with lots of tabs (currently I have nearly 150 tabs.) When I change first group that has all this tabs, Firefox is running %134 CPU on Ubuntu 16.04. I hope, you can fix that performance problems.
发布于 7 年前When Firefox add hide tab feature, I will make it support.
Please, update addon to latest version. In latest version I added option to fast switch groups and auto load only active tab, not all tabs.
Thanks for your feedback! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Ekib,7 年前Пока что лучший аналог Tab groups! Про минусы API с перезагрузкой всех вкладок при смене группы понял, буду ждать изменений. Еще бы хотелось увидеть возможность управлять группами в окне интерфейса как в Tab Groups. Есть возможность реализовать подобное? Ну, и русский в настройках тоже бы не помешал.
Но в любом случае спасибо, не переходил на Квантум только из-за Tab groups, теперь увидел свет в конце тоннеля!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Да, я сейчас работаю над функционалом "Manage groups" как в старом аддоне, скоро он будет доступен.
Обновите пожалуйста аддон до последней версии - там была добавлена опция для быстрой смены групп
Спасибо за Ваш отзыв! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13564296,7 年前Nice Replacement. Thank you! Importing groups from old "Tab Groups" gave error (do not remember) but groups were loaded after browser restart. Only issue: some tabs were multiple. So I have to delete them manually...
I give 5 stars because it seems that functionality of ald Add-On will be established soon :) Especially sort groups via drag&drop would be nice instead of "move up/down".
One question: my system crashed and after restart all tab groups were gone :( How to backup groups?开发者回应
发布于 7 年前I'm very sorry that this happened. I will make backup functionality in future versions.
Please, update addon to latest version. In latest version I added option to fast switch groups and auto load only active tab, not all tabs.
Drag&Drop was added in latest version
Thanks for your feedback! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12595292,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13556909,7 年前Спасибо за оперативное обновление для FF 57. Я надеюсь вы все доделаете и превзойдёте TabGroup. Немного не хватает обновления только последней вкладки в группе при открытии группы, подождём. Спасибо
发布于 7 年前Мне тоже не нравиться что перезагружаются все вкладки, но у меня нет выбора - у текущей версии апи мозилы нет поддержки скрытия вкладок, только закрытие.
Как только эта фича будет доступна, я с радостью переделаю аддон с её поддержкой.
Обновите аддон до последней верии - там была дабавлена опция для быстрой смены групп
Спасибо за Ваш отзыв! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13551686,7 年前I'm a librarian and I have to put in a few hours on the virtual reference desk. We use RefChat. When I need to move to another tab group i get a message asking if I want to leave or stay on the page. If I choose leave it logs me out of RefChat. If I choose Stay it opens another instance of RefChat on the new tab group. It does the same thing with our Help Desk software. I'm using Firefox 57.0.
Love this add-on...I can't live without it... - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13544854,7 年前The basic idea of this Add-on is really great!!!
There are unfortunately a few things that make it kind of unusable for my purpose. For example that all tabs in a group have to be reloaded when switching between groups. That really slows down the browser if you have groups with lots of youtube videos in it. Another issue is that a video/music playing tab will be stopped if I switch to another group.
Is there something planned to overcome this problems in the future?
I would love to leave feedback/ideas to make this Add-on even more awesome if you guys are interested :)开发者回应
发布于 7 年前At the moment, the Firefox WebExtensions API does not support hiding tabs, only closing ... I also do not like it, but I have no choice.
When this feature is added, I will make it support.
Please, update addon to latest version. In latest version I added option to fast switch groups and auto load only active tab, not all tabs.
Thanks for your feedback! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13541787,7 年前Wow, this is THE BEST tab manager for 57 right now. Cannot recommend enough. It's already starting to completely replace the old Tab Groups plugin feature-by-feature - even includes option to import old settings from that plugin!
I had been dying inside for this.
Great job! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13536245,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Franz Schneider,7 年前UPDATE: 03/11/2019
Thank you so much for adding group-sorting options and fast switching! I have, at last, fully migrated to this add-on from Firefox Multi-Account Containers for group sorting alone. Got tired of waiting years for something so simple–yet you implemented it right away! Love the customization options for groups–colors, icons, etc. And it works great with Tab Suspender to save memory. Upped to five stars!
Latest Suggestions:
• I love how one group is shown at a time. On the other hand, it would be nifty to have the option to show more than one group at a time.
• It would be great if there were symbol options for the group-switching icon similar to Firefox Containers to easily identify the group selected.
• When moving a tab to another group, one must first click within the web page of the tab being moved. It would be nice if it would work when just clicking the tab.
Finally, a comparable replacement for Tab Groups! It appears to make due without the tab-hiding API by closing tabs (rather than hiding them) when switching groups. This is what I have been waiting for.
Suggestions / Requests
• Please add a way to reorder and sort tab groups by name in group list.
• Please show the name of the currently-selected group next to the add-on icon.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Thanks for your review! I planned add this functional to future versions.
Please update to latest version. I added functional "Move group up/down"
Please, update addon to latest version. In latest version I added option to fast switch groups and auto load only active tab, not all tabs.
Thanks for your feedback! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Richard Davies,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13512399,7 年前This is great, just what I needed as I was lost without my tab groups an the import worked well. I would like to see the option to reorder the groups in the drop down menu, either alphabetically or drag and drop so that my most frequently used groups are near the top. Also to have the ability to open a group in a new window.