SoundCloud repost blocker 版本历史 - 5 个版本
SoundCloud repost blocker 作者: crossbowffs
SoundCloud repost blocker 版本历史 - 5 个版本
版本 2.3
发布于 2025年3月5日 - 11.62 KB适用于 firefox 109.0a1 及更高版本- Consider artist field when deciding whether to filter out a repost
- Properly handle transitive following status when deciding whether to filter out a repost (e.g. user follows A and C; A reposts track from B which has C listed as an artist)
源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 2.2
发布于 2025年2月13日 - 11.34 KB适用于 firefox 109.0a1 及更高版本- Fixed extension not working sometimes on initial load
- Addon now requires Firefox 128 or above
源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布
版本 2.1
发布于 2023年5月29日 - 11.78 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*Slightly tweaked the filtering algorithm to allow reposts if the username of the user reposting the track appears in the track title. This addresses the following scenario: you follow A; B posts a track which A contributed to; A reposts it. This is commonly seen with labels, collaborations, and remixes.源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布
版本 2.0
发布于 2020年5月9日 - 11.53 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*Fixed an unintended interaction with reposted tracks from people you follow. Such tracks will no longer be blocked (given that you are following the original artist, you probably want to see their songs).
For technical users, this also switches the blocking method from network request interception to monkey patching XMLHttpRequest via content script. There should be no user impact from this change.源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布