Tab Save & Restore 版本历史 - 3 个版本
Tab Save & Restore 作者: Adit Bhatt
Tab Save & Restore 版本历史 - 3 个版本
版本 3.0
发布于 2019年5月5日 - 47.16 KB适用于 firefox 57.0 及更高版本, android 57.0 至 68.*UI overhaul and window-by-window restoration.
NOTE: tabs saved with an older version of this extension can NOT be restored on the updated version. Please back up these tabs before updating. (Tabs are saved in the browsers local storage, look there for manual recovery)
- "Saved!" Feedback on saving tabs
- CSS to make extension prettier
- Tabs are now grouped by window
- Individual windows can be restored (either to active window or new window)
- Links are shown as links not checkboxes源代码遵循 Mozilla 公共许可证 2.0 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 2.1
发布于 2018年7月28日 - 42.86 KB适用于 firefox 54.0a1 及更高版本, android 54.0a1 至 68.*Multi-Window Support
Tabs are now restored in the same grouping as when saved. This way organization via windows in maintained when restoring.
e.g. If a user has 2 windows open such that Window 1 contains Tab A, Tab B, & Tab C and Window 2 contains Tab D, Tab E:
Clicking Save will result in a list containing all of the tabs.
After closing the browser and then reopening, the user will have one active window.
Clicking Restore All will result in 3 windows such that Window 1 contains the tabs the user already had opened, Window 2 contains Tab A, Tab B, & Tab C, and Window 3 contains Tab D and Tab E源代码遵循 Mozilla 公共许可证 2.0 发布
版本 2.0
发布于 2018年1月22日 - 42.16 KB适用于 firefox 54.0a1 及更高版本, android 54.0a1 至 68.*源代码遵循 Mozilla 公共许可证 2.0 发布