Tab Stash 的评价
Tab Stash 作者: Josh Berry
lnd 的评价
评分 5 / 5
来自 lnd,12 天前Melhor extensão pra gerenciar abas quando se trabalha com pesquisa! Não troco nunca mais esse jeito de usar abas, é perfeito, a extensão é muito fluida e com uma interface simples, direta e ainda assim bonita.
Thanks Josh for your work and time around Tab Stash. I would like to "suggest an addition", I really don't know if it's something that belongs in Tab Stash or something you couldn't do for policy reasons, idk... I just know that for me it would be very nice if I could have a timer showing how much time I spent in each tab stash or group. You know what I mean? Hehe, thanks again I love Tab Stash.
Thanks Josh for your work and time around Tab Stash. I would like to "suggest an addition", I really don't know if it's something that belongs in Tab Stash or something you couldn't do for policy reasons, idk... I just know that for me it would be very nice if I could have a timer showing how much time I spent in each tab stash or group. You know what I mean? Hehe, thanks again I love Tab Stash.
发布于 8 天前Thanks, I'm really happy to hear you've found Tab Stash helpful! I hear your point about time-tracking; there may be other extensions out there that can do that as well, though I honestly haven't looked. I completely understand why it would be useful though!
513 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18831450,3 天前Extremely disappointing, youd think if you opened a groups of stashed tabs there would be an options to open it is a tab group, as I thought is implied in this sentence "Restore individual tabs, or whole groups of tabs, with a single click". Also just breaks when you try to import a stash with a file that doesn't exist on the current computer, hoped for some error handling especially when I had the option of not loading the tabs when they're unstashed. Long list of features but for my use case it isn't any different than firefox's sync, just more cumbersome.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Bergen2024,11 天前Seemingly the first actually good tab grouping add-on I've tried, and I've tried a lot. Works great and very intuitive after the first couple uses.
One thing that could be added might be the functionality to close the menu again by clicking the add-on? Sometimes I only open it to check something, and then having to swap to the other side of the screen to close the sidebar is slightly inconvenient.开发者回应
发布于 8 天前Thanks for the review and the feedback! You might want to consider using the popup view instead if you want a way to pop open Tab Stash quickly just to check on something. You can enable it in Tab Stash's settings.
You can use both the sidebar and the pop-up view at the same time if you like—just use Firefox's built-in "Sidebar" button to open/close the sidebar, and switch Tab Stash to show the popup view when the Tab Stash button is clicked. Hope this helps! - 评分 5 / 5来自 nounou,15 天前Me sauve la vie (et celle de mon pc) avec tous les onglets que j'ouvre et veux pas les fermer par peur d'oublier le nom du site ou ce que je faisais, avec Tab Stash je peux enfin avoir une fenêtre propre avec seulement ce dont j'ai besoin sur le moment même d'ouvert. Le reste est enregistré et je peux facilement y accéder grâce au bouton dans la barre d'outil qui ouvre une mini fenêtre sur le coté avec tous mes mes onglets sauvegardés et que j'ai organisé par sujet pour m'y retrouver plus facilement.
Je peux même créer des sous sujets dans un sujet pour une organisation encore plus précise, par exemple: (Nom du sujet) Cours, (Sous sujet 1) Biologie, (sous sujet 2) Chimie, (sous sujet 3) Fiche de révisions etc... Ils sont repliables (sujet et sous sujet) donc on peut les laissés repliés pour ne pas avoir à défiler tous les onglets enregistrés, je vais droit au titre ou se trouvent les onglets dont j'ai besoin, je déroule et quand je clique ouvrir l'onglet ou les onglets sélectionnés s'ouvrent après vos onglets déjà ouverts, pas besoin de s’inquiéter que la page sur laquelle vous êtes se fasse remplacer.
Bref, il y a d'autres fonctionnalités j'ai juste parlé de celles que j'utilise tous le temps et elle sont toutes géniales. Je conseille cette extension à tous le monde, même si vous ouvrez peu d'onglets à la fois.
Merci beaucoup au développeur je vous ferai une contribution quand je serai enfin stable financièrement, vous avez développé un outil vraiment sérieux!开发者回应
发布于 14 天前Merci beaucoup pour vos aimables paroles et votre avis réfléchi ! Je suis vraiment heureux d'apprendre que Tab Stash fonctionne bien pour vous. Je suis désolé de ne pas avoir pu le traduire dans d'autres langues que l'anglais, mais j'espère pouvoir le faire un jour.
Veuillez pardonner les éventuelles erreurs ; j'ai utilisé Google Translate pour écrire ma réponse. :)
Thank you very much for the kind words, and the thoughtful review! I'm really happy to hear that Tab Stash is working well for you. I'm sorry that I have not been able to translate it into more languages than just English, but I hope to do so one day.
Please forgive any errors; I used Google Translate to write my reply. :) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Mach,17 天前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 退出党团队远离中共邪教,20 天前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Sup3r87,1 个月前Absolutely goated bookmarking tool. Need to get to a site and fast without all the hoop jumping? just open the stash - no matter how many tabs you stash, it takes under 5 seconds to get to the desired site. The ability to organize things into folders and categories is just a godsend! My only qualm with it is that I had to spend a little bit of time figuring out how it works and how to treat it as a bookmarker - but that phase lasted only a couple hours and now it's golden :)
发布于 1 个月前Awesome, I'm glad it's working out well for you, and I'm happy you were able to figure it out without too much trouble. Thanks for the review! - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17027222,1 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Machster,1 个月前This extension needs detailed instructions on how to use this. I'm mystified how this works or helps. It has "suggestions" at the start such as "What would you like to save with the toolbar button?" or "What would you like to see when you click the toolbar button?" but doesn't give examples and doesn't explain what a "stash" is. Apparently this uses bookmarks but does it mess with my own bookmarks list? I hope not. What happens if there is more than one browser window open? What happens if the browser window is closed and reopened? What happens if the browser is closed and reopened?
发布于 1 个月前Sorry to hear you had trouble figuring it out. Did you go through the screenshots at all? They give you an overview of Tab Stash's functionality.
Tab Stash saves its bookmarks (= stashed tabs) under a special "Tab Stash" folder in "Other Bookmarks". "Stashing" a tab means saving its URL as a bookmark and hiding the tab but keeping it open in the background. If you close the browser window, the tab is closed, but the URL can be revisited again by restoring it from your stash or opening it directly from your Firefox bookmarks.
Multiple browser windows are not a problem—they are treated separately. Each has its own list of Unstashed Tabs / Open Tabs. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18194756,1 个月前After the Toby extension i used before to manage my myriad of tabs did 'a adobe' i came to find this beautiful extension. It does exactly what i need and for free! Lovely! and to epress my gratitude i send a beer (or Coffee or Tea) in the direction of the Dev.
发布于 1 个月前I'm glad to hear you like it, and thanks for the drink! I'm a coffee enjoyer myself, so I'll be thinking of you next time I head out for a latte! ☕️ - 评分 5 / 5来自 HumanistAtypik,1 个月前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18807131,1 个月前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Zen user,2 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 zomboid,2 个月前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Frédéric Jeanbart,2 个月前L'une de mes extensions préférés ! Elle fait exactement ce dont j'ai besoin, en toute simplicité et visuellement pertinente, que ce soit pour regrouper des onglets-pages lors de recherche, pour des collections, etc. Chapeau à l'auteur, et que cette nouvelle année vous soit bénéfique en toutes mesures.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Shoes4Clues,2 个月前While the interface is great, the main reason I got this was to save memory. I'm not sure if this is a Firefox issue or an issue with the extension itself, but the tabs that are stashed still take up memory.
发布于 2 个月前Tab Stash will indeed save you memory, as it will automatically unload stashed tabs that haven't been used in a while. If you'd prefer that stashed tabs are closed completely when they are stashed, this can be changed in Tab Stash's options. Hope this helps! - 评分 5 / 5来自 xia,2 个月前
发布于 3 个月前Yes...? That is indeed the point of Tab Stash. I have to admit I don't understand your review at all, but if you're having trouble, feel free to open an issue on GitHub and I'd be happy to help!- 评分 5 / 5来自 Raygan Kelly,3 个月前This is a really clever and useful extension that combines tab management with bookmarks in a way that just makes sense. Huge thanks to the developer for creating and maintaining it!
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Faith,3 个月前I have tried multiple times to use this add-on because the promise of it is great. However, most recently, I just lost all my tabs to it by stashing them all, then searching for all the redundant tabs I had open of my email, and closing them. This turned out to delete all my tabs, not just the email, irrecoverably. If anyone knows a good tab manager which closes tabs and saves them and lets me delete whole groups of tabs without deleting everything, I would be very interested.
Also, you should keep in mind that the tabs here are not closed but simply hidden.开发者回应
发布于 3 个月前Sorry to hear that! It's possible this is an issue with your email provider and not Tab Stash. Like most other tab-saving add-ons, Tab Stash saves tabs by remembering their URLs. What you're describing might happen if your email provider doesn't assign unique URLs to each email.
One way to test this is to open a specific email message, bookmark the page, and close the tab. Then use the bookmark to open your email again. If your email provider doesn't show that same email message, then it's unlikely to work with Tab Stash or any other tab-saving add-on, I'm afraid.
If, however, you DO get back to the same email message, then it's a problem with Tab Stash and I'd love to get a bug report on GitHub, so I can troubleshoot with you further. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17462675,3 个月前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Crazyblu,3 个月前