TabSearch 的评价
TabSearch 作者: Enrico Baculinao
81 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Migo,7 年前I work a lot with tabs and need such an add-on. Great also the search function.
Under Windows the font is a little fuzzy. Not under Linux.
Addendum: With the update the little fuzzy issue is fixed. - 评分 5 / 5来自 OneArmBugg,7 年前This is a great add-on, I had to remove a macOS keyboard shortcut for "google search" that conflicted but after that it works perfect and I no longer have to take my hands off the keyboard to switch directly to a specific tab.
发布于 7 年前Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you like it.
Just so you know, the extension shortcut is (probably) going to be changed soon. Don't hesitate to let me know your thoughts at if you have a github acct. Or reach me by email.
I didn't know the shortcut conflicted with a macOS shortcut! If that's a default key-combo that makes me feel even more strongly about changing it. - 评分 5 / 5来自 bsnsk,7 年前Great addon! Just what I need!
One possible improvement is to let user customize the keyboard shortcut :)开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Sorry, right now that's not possible in Firefox :(
If you have thoughts on a better shortcut let me know in the issue tracker! - 评分 5 / 5来自 kafene,8 年前I've been waiting for a quick tabs-search menu like my favorite "Quick Tabs" for chrome to come to Firefox. It's a little more convenient than using the location bar with the '%' filter.
I'd like to see some new features if it's possible and you have time - namely screenshot previews of tabs (using the Webextensions captureVisibleTab API!), supplying bookmark and history results, and some options for tweaking how results are prioritized and sorted (e.g. non-fuzzy search, case-sensitivity, order bookmarks or history first)...
Nevertheless this is very good for a new release and I love that it's keyboard friendly. Thanks!开发者回应
发布于 8 年前Thanks for the feedback. Love your new feature ideas, especially the captureVisibleTab idea! I'll look into implementing them.