TabScroller 的评价
TabScroller 作者: Richard Antony Burton
js-ddev 的评价
评分 5 / 5
来自 js-ddev,7 年前Thanks for bringing this feature back to life !
Would it be possible to assign another button than mouse right to activate the scroll ?
Not the most convenient with laptops...
Would it be possible to assign another button than mouse right to activate the scroll ?
Not the most convenient with laptops...
发布于 7 年前I can look at allowing a choice of mouse button, for example the middle one, but would that be any more convenient? Feel free to open an issue on githhub and we can discuss your requirements and see what's possible.
47 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 全民三退解体中共邪教,10 天前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Display Name,2 年前Good add on but if there is a firefox tab like settings, history, or even a new tab open the add on doesnt work and just stops so if you have any new tabs open it doesnt allow you to scroll over them but its probably for security. It does state that this is a limitation. Also the only buttons that you can use is shift, ctrl, alt, right mouse button and meta which is fine for me but might be limited for some people. I recommend this though and its great to use just firefox kinda limits it true potential.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17642783,2 年前I use it since the beginning, and I honestly can't use internet without it. It doesn't always work perfectly but it does its job!
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Kostia,3 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Nick Richards,3 年前Very cool.
On my Mac I set it up so that the Ctrl plus Option plus Command keys ("Control Alt Meta" in TabScroller preferences) to first be depressed before I can use the two finger scrolling to scroll through my tabs.
And I also set the number of milliseconds, in TabsScroller, to be 180. This gives a nice feeling of slowness when I move through my tabs this way. Otherwise it defaults to zero which is a little fast and flickery.
Thank you Richard Anthony Burton, Firefox extension developer, for programming this. And for making it free. I often times have a lot of tabs and I am usually bouncing between a group of four and this helps me to jump between those and to synthesize those tabs' contents to make a decision. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Frasty,3 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 hiasl,3 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Nero14x,3 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17044515,3 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15574160,4 年前Must have add-on, easy and fast way to navigate between tabs.
Thanks to Richard for the help. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Aikufurr,4 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 GASH,4 年前Does not work for me in Win10 and FF87. tried evey button option, but the tabs won't scroll with the mouse wheel.
发布于 4 年前Working fine for me in Firefox 87 and Windows 10. You mention trying trying key combination and scrolling the wheel, but are you holding down the right mouse button while scrolling? Default is just right mouse, and no keys. If you're having problems, please open an issue on GitHub and I'll have a look for you: - 评分 5 / 5来自 Patrick Storz,4 年前Lightweight but does exactly what I need. Perfect!
I tried the preference "toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling" before (switch tabs by scrolling on tab bar), which works in principle, but stops working as soon as there are many tabs and the tab bar itself becomes scrollable (i.e. exactly then, when the functionality to change tabs by scrolling becomes most useful). - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12585749,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 FLOmaster,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Fix,6 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Coeur-Noir,6 年前Have just tried on Ubuntu 16.04 & FF67.
Works nicely.
I was also used to TabWheelScroll so the gesture at first seems awkward but actually I like the fact there is NO need for keyboard.
Thanks a lot ! - 评分 4 / 5来自 James Band,6 年前Can you change key combination to "shift key+mouse wheel" ? Current [right click + wheel] makes tab switching action damn awkward. If you dont't want it to be default, then provision as an option would be equally nice.
发布于 6 年前Updated: I have implemented this for you, giving the option of one or more of these while scrolling the wheel: right mouse, shift, ctrl, alt, meta (mac). Needs some real world testing through before I'd release it. If you drop me an email I can send you it to test. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Seddoo,6 年前In the old versions, the Tab Wheel Scroll was nice, but it works. Thanks for the plugin.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12531918,6 年前It can be implemented without holding button:
发布于 6 年前Yes, although this is a slightly different scenario. There you are mouse wheeling over the tab bar - something that used to be possible with add-ons, but is no longer possible with the new framework - but not something this add-on is intended to do. This add-on allows mouse wheeling within the page, no need to move your mouse up to the little gap at the top of the page - you can do it from anywhere, at the cost of having to hold the right button (otherwise you just scroll up/down the page of course). People who do want to switch tabs from the tab bar instead (or as well) will find the link above helpful. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Voukras,6 年前This was a godsend when MileWideBack stopped working. I did get something similar and I think possibly a port of MileWideBack to the new extension framework, but it wouldn't work on Linux because the Window Manager placed some sort of 1px border that ruined the whole scheme of "stick your mouse to the left side and scroll to move through tabs".
TabScroller offered a ridiculously simple alternative that has relieved me of all that frustration. This kind of tab scrolling is a must for me now and I love that there's a simple and robust way to do it with this extension. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Avaq,6 年前Works as advertised and makes a very nice addition for speeding up tab-switching. The only downside being the interruptions on pages where right click could not be captured, but those seem rare. The explanation of the required permissions is also much appreciated.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 luna,7 年前i hold down right click, i press right click, i hold down left click, i uninstall, i reinstall, i reset my computer i reset firefox and this app STILL doesnt work. i had hoped this was like the previous tabscroll addon from the previous versions but its so much worse. in the old version you only had to hover over the tabs and scroll. please fix.
Update to authors response. Your addon literally states "A simple addon that does one simple thing. It allows you to scroll through your tabs with the mouse wheel, while holding the right button down" so when you cannot scroll through your tabs with the mouse wheel while holding the right button down (which thats not clear either a developer should be a little be more specific than "right button" but i used both right on the directional arrows and right click) then the add on is a failure. It seems YOU have not read my review and are reacting at a bad review. If you dont want bad reviews then have a working add-on. If your add on doesnt "allow you to scroll through your tabs with the mouse wheel, while holding the right button down" then why advertise it??开发者回应
发布于 7 年前It appears you have not read what this add-on actually does!
It looks like you've taken a guess at what it does and when you've discovered that's actually not what it's for you have blamed the add-on for your misunderstanding and left a one star review.
The function of the add-on, including its limitations, is clearly stated in the description. Add-ons cannot interact with the tab bar in the way you request, nor was it ever the intention of this add-on to provide that functionality.