Tagged notes 版本历史 - 3 个版本
Tagged notes 作者: Tony Murray
Tagged notes 版本历史 - 3 个版本
版本 0.997
发布于 2021年3月19日 - 272.74 KB适用于 firefox 66.0 及更高版本This version add an option to change the font size for the notes display and interface.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 0.996
发布于 2021年2月4日 - 270.97 KB适用于 firefox 66.0 及更高版本Fixes:
An issue was fixed where notes tagged with a space caused problems listing the notes.
New 1:
Notes can be pinned so that they appear at the top of the list. To pin a note, add the tag "pin" to the note. When several notes have been pinned, the most recently updated appears first.
New 2:
Notes can be exported in plain text by default (see extension settings), as requested by a user. In the settings, there is also an option to export all notes as plain text or HTML, regardless of the default.源代码遵循 仅 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2.0 发布