TCGPlayerToCad 版本历史 - 3 个版本
TCGPlayerToCad 作者: skywalk
TCGPlayerToCad 版本历史 - 3 个版本
版本 1.3
发布于 2022年5月29日 - 14.04 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*✔ v1.3 : @done(22-05-29 14:28)
+ decklist cards, mouseover card preview, decks 'n' events, format deck trending, event decklists, ~ price conversions.
+ route matches for decks and deckList.
+ two more card price conversions in historyPriceGraph.
+ price conversion function refactor, converPrice(element, 0-1).
+ price-guide conversion.
* fixed horizontal listing problem with directbytcgplayer product.
* fixed latest sales 4 vs 5 columns when there's an icon problem.
* adjusted currentPricePoints and latestSales to process correctly with view sales history popup.
* fixed infinite NaN refresh bug in sellerFeedback conversion.
* fixed customerAlsoPurchased caroussel problem of not converting second page and unbolding the font.
* renamed variable names to be more representative.源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布
下载 Firefox 并安装扩展您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展较早版本
版本 1.2
发布于 2022年5月28日 - 17.88 KB适用于 firefox 48.0 及更高版本, android 48.0 至 68.*v1.2 added customer also purchased carousel and top right historypricechart normal/foil price conversion, horizontal view support with listings, fixed a but to read article 0 on horizontal view. seller shop support. some code refactors.源代码遵循 MIT 许可证 发布