273 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13490667,7 年前I cannot live without this extension. Mozilla should consider replacing the default tab UI with this or something equivalent.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 GregAMO,7 年前Great!Thank you for your work.
这提供了 Tab Group 类扩展替代品的 新思路:除了“身份标签页切换”和“虚假的打开关闭标签页”,
Tree Tab 很好地结合和大量 Tree Style Tab 的作者和第三方扩展。
Tree Tab 上的右键菜单是由扩展自己绘制的,
不像 Tree Style Tab 那样要先进入 Tree Style Tab 层级菜单才能下一步
不过 TST 那样或许可扩展性更强吧
Multiple Tab Handler 中多选标签页后包含更多功能(刷新、多种格式的链接复制、存为书签) - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13476996,7 年前This addon is great for me since it has the option to scroll between tabs using the mouse wheel. Didn't realize how comfortable this option is until I lost it.
What would make this addon absolutely perfect, would be a shortcut button (F1 for example) or the ability to set it ourselves. Would be much faster to switch sidebars this way.
Plus, a built in dark theme would've saved me some time, and I'm sure there are many others who would've appreciated that. Although the customization options are very good.
2 tiny things that slightly bother me; Scrolling between tabs isn't smooth, it even gets kind of stuck sometimes + When I hide the groups on the side, it doesn't always stay that way (every time I restart the browser).
Other than that it's great. Greatly enhances my browsing.
Both of my major complaints were fixed. Great job!开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Get some themes here:
More to come! - 评分 5 / 5来自 Hanlonsrazor,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12757444,7 年前Thanks for the add-on, it's priceless. I cant understand why developpers continue to use vertical space for all their crap when screens only get wider and wider. Don't they ever *use* their machines?
Too bad firefox does not provide the API to hide *their* tabs. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13471447,7 年前It is wonderful to realize tab group and tree tab with just one add-on.
I think it would be nice if you can reload the tab by double clicking and edit the tab name of Ungrouped tabs. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13465482,7 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 aminought,7 年前
发布于 7 年前No it doesn't. Where did you get that from? It uses "tabs", "sessions", "all_urls" permissions. That's it. "all_urls" is required to export your session from toolbar. Maybe you are confusing Tree Style Tab? Which recently asked for new permissions?
Anyway here is source code, you can check it up: https://gitlab.com/kroppy/TreeTabs- 评分 5 / 5来自 fbbez,7 年前Even in just the past the month that I've been using this addon it's come along very nicely. The simple - Tree style tabs that work. Also - I love the new tab grouping feature set!
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Thangaraj,7 年前Looks like a great addon. Couple of suggestions:
- search should be able to search both page title & url together, doesn't seem like an option currently.
- some built in dark theme will be great, maybe some option to have a bigger tab button since the current click target is quite narrow - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 3268728,7 年前You did what TST had not done.
This should be standard one.
You are great. - 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12797129,7 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13443422,7 年前Good replacement for the TST. I would like to see the possibility to highlight not only unloaded but also unread tabs.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Jim,7 年前Great replacement for Tree Style Tabs. Make sure you add window:not([privatebrowsingmode="temporary"]) #tabbrowser-tabs { visibility: collapse !important; } to a file called userChrome.css in a directory you create called chrome in your Firefox profile directory if you want to get rid of the default tabs.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13436376,7 年前Used TST years, last night tried Tree Tabs new version on version 57, it is much faster than TST, and lots of customization options. Love it! Fantastic job Kroppy!
- 评分 5 / 5来自 AlexStarc,7 年前Super useful for work when you need to have multiple tabs and want to organize these tabs effectively!
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Bluezo,7 年前Nice addon !
Testing it alternatively with TST on FF 57b ...
Promising ways to get rid of tabs above ...
Check this script to minimize the tabBar still more ... https://www.reddit.com/r/FirefoxCSS/comments/7512nz/minimized_titlebar_buttons_minimizemaximizeclose/ - 评分 2 / 5来自 tipar,7 年前You have the sidebar and the tab bar so what's the point. Beside you can not hide the siebar whenever you want it get stuck there. It is annoying.
- 评分 3 / 5来自 CanIregisterThisTime,7 年前Mozilla hasn't yet released the API that will allow this addon to hide the default tab strip. Just be patient on that, or use userchrome.css to get rid of it, or even browse full screen.
What does bother me about this is that it doesn't save my tab groupings. Tree Style Tabs on 57+ has no problem with it, so I'm not sure if it's this addon that's deficient or if it's something to do with Firefox 56.
It's great that this addon has its own theming tools built in, but today I start my browser and it's open to the Tree Tabs options. My theme has disappeared. I actually put a lot of work into it, so instead of redoing it I'm going to remove the addon and wait for the release channel of Firefox to update to 57 next month. Maybe this addon will have improved by then or I will move to TST. Anyway if you do theme this, make sure you "export" and save your work. For some reason I didn't.
Developer: I read that page at stackoverflow and still don't know what to do.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前EDIT: I've read your edit just now, because I didn't see it (the one line at the bottom)... Sorry for late response.
Go to Firefox Options - Advanced at the bottom - Network
Try to Clear Cached Web content and Offline Web content.
If it does not help you will have to wait for update. Sometimes cached files are still in use, so it's kinda hard to clean up everything. In next update I will provide emergency button in Tree Tabs options and load backup buttons in toolbar. In your case you probably will not be able to recover last session, but in the future when that happens again, yes. I will provide 3 backups. I'm thinking to provide save backup to hdd, but I'm not sure if I will be able to finish it for this update.
My brother had this same problem yesterday, as few other people. If options page shows up without a reason it means localstorage data got corrupted or some part of it cannot be read. Same goes for your trees. Some have just a blank white page instead of the sidebar. Looks like Firefox has some problems with retaining localstorage, it might be that some process close unexpectedly corrupting data while saving it to hdd. In my experience it happens from time to time, but it's more frequent with last few updates of Firefox.
They may be in hurry to release 57. I don't know just guessing.
You have to clean local storage to fix it, otherwise problem can come back.
In a new version of my extension I will save a lot less data, but I cannot guarantee all will be perfect and I have a lot to fix to release it. Anyway it is a good idea to save your theme like you said.