Alternate Player for 的评价
Alternate Player for 作者: Alexander Choporov (CoolCmd)
764 条评价
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15954681,5 年前I've only been using this extension for about an hour so far, but it's allowed me to go from ~35% CPU usage to around 5% CPU usage while watching the same stream at 480p on my laptop. The only problem is that when I try to type in chat, it tells me "Login will open in a separate window." and then when I click the Log In button, I see "Login was cancelled, please try again."
This, however, is not a problem for me because I use Chatterino on the side and the overall CPU usage is lowered by so much that it's worth the minor inconvenience. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12641720,5 年前Host redirect doesn't work. E.g. streamer ends the stream and hosts someone, the chat gets redirected but you still see the offline screen of the streamer who just hosted. You have to right click on chat to show frame to see which channel was hosted and manually enter the channel name in the address bar.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Godsholyangel45,5 年前I don't know what u did with the last update, but you fixed the problem with my points collecting on Twitch. Thank you.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 FTECH,5 年前Wonderful add-on, a must-have for lower end computers. Thank you so much !
Just a question: is there a way to get the latency to broadcaster at about 1-2 seconds ? I can't seem to get it lower than 6 seconds. On the normal twitch player, I can get it to 1-2 seconds, even 0.8 sometimes. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 10852150,5 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16163737,5 年前I wish there were a way to see UI elements like with the original - left sidebar for FOLLOWED CHANNELS, for example, or channel info underneath the player. Otherwise, it's pretty decent.
- 评分 5 / 5来自 SM,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Rigza,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 ZerikZ,5 年前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 applephx,5 年前This extension is amazing. Thank you!
Please note, the past couple days the extension has not been showing up at the top of the twitch page. - 评分 5 / 5来自 finalKenpachi,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Mark,5 年前а что с чатом версии под хром ? А то гугля в хромосторе отзывы отрубила. стоит 2020.6.4 и в урезанной версии чата пишет "Ой! Этот объект настроен неправильно. (Разработчикам: проверьте консоль браузера для получения дополнительной информации)
Twitch embed error message:[NoParent] parent query string value was not specifiedDocs:Э - 评分 5 / 5来自 user9969328,5 年前I wish Twitch itself would implement an audio-only stream... Thanks for this addon!
- 评分 5 / 5来自 nx42,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 trashcanbin10,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 buzzyogurtlight,5 年前
- 评分 5 / 5来自 Broodyr,5 年前Great add-on that fixed all my issues with the default Twitch player (constant buffering, random audio stuttering). There's one huge usability feature missing, or at least that I haven't found after searching through all the options: auto-play. It seems like sometimes it will auto-play, but most of the time I have to manually play the stream after opening it. Anyways, thanks for the great tool!