Useful Bookmarklets 作者: xaviesteve
Useful Bookmarklets is a tiny little extension that groups many bookmarklets together in a single button and only displays the ones you need based on the website you're currently visiting.
您需要 Firefox 来使用此扩展

Useful Bookmarklets
A simple Chrome extension that lists useful actions based on the website you're in.
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/141241/201515230-867085e7-aed0-4e62-ade6-c55cd31ac085.png" alt="screenshot1">
Useful Bookmarklets is a tiny little extension that groups many bookmarklets together in a single button and only displays the ones you need based on the website you're currently visiting.
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- 📑 Web to PDF
- 📱 Web to QR code
- 🖋 Check Terms and Conditions
- 📜 Autofill form
- 🧱 Wall skip
- 🧱 Wall skip via 12ft
- 🌐 Check on SimilarWeb
- 🛒 Search on Amazon
- 📖 Dictionary definition
- 🌫 Blur text
- Tools
- 🔢 Calculator
- 📐 Imperial to Metric
- ⏲ Count Words
- 🔊 Speak out loud
- 🌓 Dark theme
- 🔃 Rotate screen
- 📝 Content Editable
- ⏬ Auto Scroll
- 🔼 Scroll to top
- 🚫 Enable Right-click
- 🍪 Delete all cookies
- 📐 Get window size
I built it for myself because I use a ton of bookmarklets on my day to day and wanted to share it with everyone hoping it helps you become more productive.
The extension is completely free and privacy-friendly, there are no trackers and it only activates when you click it, some bookmarklets use other website's services, hover with your mouse on each bookmarklet to learn more about each of them.
New actions/bookmarklets are added as I come across new ideas, feedback welcome.
Source code
Source code available here: https://github.com/luckyshot/useful-bookmarklets
Feel free to submit Pull Requests with more bookmarklets (these need to be converted back to vanilla JavaScript code to comply with Google's Manifest V3 security limitations).
A simple Chrome extension that lists useful actions based on the website you're in.
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/141241/201515230-867085e7-aed0-4e62-ade6-c55cd31ac085.png" alt="screenshot1">
Useful Bookmarklets is a tiny little extension that groups many bookmarklets together in a single button and only displays the ones you need based on the website you're currently visiting.
- 📕 Save to Pocket
- 🗨 Add to Buffer
- 🗳 Post to Reddit
- 📋 Copy link
- 🇺🇲 Translate to English
- 🕰 See old versions
- 🕰 Save version
- 📑 Web to PDF
- 📱 Web to QR code
- 🖋 Check Terms and Conditions
- 📜 Autofill form
- 🧱 Wall skip
- 🧱 Wall skip via 12ft
- 🌐 Check on SimilarWeb
- 🛒 Search on Amazon
- 📖 Dictionary definition
- 🌫 Blur text
- Tools
- 🔢 Calculator
- 📐 Imperial to Metric
- ⏲ Count Words
- 🔊 Speak out loud
- 🌓 Dark theme
- 🔃 Rotate screen
- 📝 Content Editable
- ⏬ Auto Scroll
- 🔼 Scroll to top
- 🚫 Enable Right-click
- 🍪 Delete all cookies
- 📐 Get window size
I built it for myself because I use a ton of bookmarklets on my day to day and wanted to share it with everyone hoping it helps you become more productive.
The extension is completely free and privacy-friendly, there are no trackers and it only activates when you click it, some bookmarklets use other website's services, hover with your mouse on each bookmarklet to learn more about each of them.
New actions/bookmarklets are added as I come across new ideas, feedback welcome.
Source code
Source code available here: https://github.com/luckyshot/useful-bookmarklets
Feel free to submit Pull Requests with more bookmarklets (these need to be converted back to vanilla JavaScript code to comply with Google's Manifest V3 security limitations).
- 附加组件链接
- 版本
- 1.0.4
- 大小
- 42.5 KB
- 上次更新
- 1 年前 (2024年3月4日)
- 相关分类
- 许可证
- Apache License
- 版本历史
- 标签
1.0.4 的发布说明
- List tracks: now shows in a window instead of copying to the system clipboard due to a permissions error
xaviesteve 制作的更多扩展
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