Ant Video Downloader 的评价
Ant Video Downloader 作者: ANT
120 条评价
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14333879,6 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14418642,6 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14271238,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13977907,7 年前will download ok but how can i then transfer it onto a flash stick or move it to another folder ???
发布于 7 年前By default all downloaded files will be saved to "Ant Videos" folder in your system "Downloads" directory.
You can change this path at AVD tab under the Downloads section same as path to temporary files. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13844620,7 年前GREAT EXTENSION!!! Until Quantum Garbage killed everything. Goodbye Firefox.
发布于 7 年前We continue to work on migration AVD to a new Firefox.
You still can install old AVD version in Firefox 56 and below from Mozilla website here: - 评分 3 / 5来自 Denis,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13653316,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13653208,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13625466,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13608920,7 年前I have to agree with most people, before Firefox v.57, this add-on was absolutely amazing. I rarely had any problem with it, and I could always find a work-around if the video I was looking for wasn't able to be downloaded on this add-on. I just had to use another mirror and that's it.
Since Firefox v.57, well, it got knocked-out pretty hard.
It's still managable, but the UI is not as appealing then before. It's hard to figure out which link is what, I happened to download 3 ads instead of the video I wanted... the easiest solution is just download every link and remove the wrong video afterwards, which is kind of not efficient, but it still works. Nevertheless, it's annoying and disappointing. I know you are currently working on making it availiable on other popular browser and you're trying to make some hotfix but Firefox is being a meanie with you and all.
I won't be as harsh as other people because this add-on still work! It's a bit more of a task management... but it works.
If you manage to rebuild the AVD into what it was before, it would deserve it's 5 stars and beyond, until then, I can only afford 3.
You probably already thought this through but maybe starting from scratch? Sometimes it helps.
Best luck for you, hopefully it will rain down 5 stars on this add-on in a near future.
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your report!
Unfortunately old AVD version is not supported by Firefox 57 and beyond anymore, thats why new AVD 3.0 was completely made from scratch and still need a lot of fixes.
At the moment our main task is to return a support of as many types of streaming video as possible.
Design is the easiest issue here and we will rebuilt it after few successful AVD 3.0 releases
Our developer will be grateful for direct links with any detection problem to our support here: - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13580850,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13580061,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13547095,7 年前
- 评分 3 / 5来自 Maecon,7 年前is it possible for you guys to return the old ant video downloader version? I really had a problem using the new. :( I hope there's a better update soon.
发布于 7 年前You still can install old AVD version in Firefox 56 and below from Mozilla website here: - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13337644,7 年前We all knew that Firefox 57 would stop using the old addons that we liked so much. Users can either revert to an earlier version of Firefox and use the old ant downloader OR move forward to the one Ant has introduced for Firefox 57. I have both versions of Firefox and can see why people prefer the old ant downloader, but hey at least there is a version for Firefox 57 that works on most sights. You are not being charged for using the program. If you can find a better downloader on the internet for Firefox 57 then use it and stop complaining. The new Ant downloader works in my opinion better than any other downloader extension on the internet for Firefox. Give some encouragement to the developers of the Ant downloader rather than throwing your toys out of the pram !
发布于 7 年前Thank you for your report and rating!
We are continuing to work to return the habitual AVD look and functionality as much as it possible in new Firefox. - 评分 3 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13512095,7 年前Why can't we get it plain and simple like before? Now it requires you to install a Windows program and grant far too many privacy rights for my taste. I guess we will have to uninstall it and find another one.
I would recommend to stay away from this extension until (if) is fixed again.
2017-11-28 UPDATE:
After having read detailed explanation ( I regret my previous harsh comment and thus I have increased my rating.
I will keep checking for new versions of Ant, and I have trust that the ease of use of the older version will be restored soon. Please ignore my previous comment.开发者回应
发布于 7 年前Please note that old AVD is no longer supported, because Mozilla Firefox dropped support of legacy add-ons.
This is the first based on beta version and the previous view will be maximally restored in the next releases. Native application installer contains only converter with libraries needed for support streaming videos.