Video DownloadHelper 的评价
Video DownloadHelper 作者: mig, Paul
645 条评价
- 评分 2 / 5来自 kev,4 年前Totally unclear when a file will "convert" and have a watermark on it, even if I choose "download" instead of "download and convert". I never want to download something if a watermark is gonna show up, and I'm never gonna pay for something that an open source project does better. Just don't let me convert something if I didn't pay for that feature!!! Companion application was annoying to install as well. If youtube-dl came out with a GUI version for MacOS I'd never use this extension again. On my windows partition it isn't installed.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 robsku,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 jose hernandez,4 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Steve H.,4 年前While I was happy to try it out I found out that you have to install a converter and that converter writes a large QR code over the right corner of the video which in turn made it impossible to follow the video on how to use a program that I was downloading. Total waste compared to other video converters I have used.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 titule,4 年前It sometimes works for me on most websites (except youtube) .
Very unreliable, specially for slow connections. Suddenly crashes or claims download is finished (but it's not).
You need to check every video manually if it has fully, not corrupted downloaded. Re-starting downloads of such vids is a PITA, sometimes it just don't.
Regarding the "companion app": I can see in the ressource monitor that this app does not send data, it only receives. Means: I didn't catch it spying. - 评分 2 / 5来自 Salman Ravoof,5 年前I'm using this add-on for well over a decade, but it hasn't been working on most websites for well over a year now. I never paid much attention to it and assumed it'll be fixed sooner or later. But I guess not. I'm removing this add-on now with a heavy heart. Time to find an alternative.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 cautes,5 年前Hat bislang immer gut funktioniert, aber bei YouTube nun überhaupt nicht mehr. Das Bedienfeld ist mir auch zu unübersichtlich. Schade - habe es nach der Bewertung deinistalliert.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Kris,5 年前Version 7.3.9 does not work with some web pages, while version 6.3.3 works fine with these same pages. I think the team had to make agreements with some websites to remove the download option. So for me, back to version 6.3.3, and above all no more upgrades.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Rich Lennon,5 年前How is this popular? Video quality is absolutely useless, while it does at least render a recording, the HD downloads are with rare exceptions far worse than 720p, and playback is jerky and unmanageable with delays in loading and every time you change part video watching. While I yet to find a HD downloaders that really works with changes youtube has made, this also isn't one. Maybe if pay to register the quality improves along with removing the annoying QC watermarks it adds but I won't test that theory.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16134304,5 年前Doesn't work well for impartus video tool. The audio and video are mostly out of sync
- 评分 2 / 5来自 gr8drag1,5 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13907124,5 年前I get the desire for a dev to make a few $ for a good add-on; but this has been marked as FREE until recently, and now it is NOT, yet this is NOT explained in the description, but only apparent AFTER you've used it, when you see a VERY LARGE QR code embedded in the downloaded video, only removable with a 'conversion license' for $30. Bad form.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 g5s2aa4h,5 年前"Crippleware" - built on free software but requires the use of an external application which will watermark everything until you provide a $30 premium "donation". If it were legitimately open source I would be inclined to donate since when it works it works. The user interface and WinXP Shareware style are a turn off and I'm back to Youtube-Dl
- 评分 2 / 5来自 noconflicts,5 年前I'm not happy that the newer versions require payment to remove the QR Code. The older version did not do this. Sticking with 6.3.3
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16092675,5 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 RrTag,5 年前путает имена файлов, постоянно просит установить программу компаньон и перевести на платную.
- 评分 2 / 5来自 dirkp,5 年前1. Auf MS surfbook W 10, FF + dh: dh erkennt mehrere streams/Formate; aber läuft nicht stabil. Resume / Wiederaufnahme bze. neue Aufnahme des gleichen Formates/streams ist nicht möglich, nur reset + restart.
2. Auf diesem Desktop PC mit W 10 + FF: dh erkennt keine streams,
Also noch zu viele Mängel!!! - 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16056397,5 年前it started really well, but after 6 videos it took a crap and quit working
- 评分 2 / 5来自 ViacheslavUA,5 年前Спочатку бачив відео і завантажував, потім раптово перестав. Перевстановив, почав бачити відео. А після другого разу вже не бачить відео. А ще за нього просять дуже великі гроші за професійну версію, за що, за те, що дико глючить?
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Jere F. Moore,5 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16011811,5 年前
- 评分 2 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 15148604,5 年前