Video DownloadHelper 的评价
Video DownloadHelper 作者: mig, Paul
3,654 条评价
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Andres88,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 NackConstantine1112,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Joe,5 个月前Works most of the time, but it's buggy and drops larger downloads. You also need to restart your browser after a bunch of downloads or it will start failing more often.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 12225638,5 个月前im Gunde befriedigend bis gut; aber sehr of werden video-Clips untere falschem Namen gespeichert, oder gar nicht erkannt.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18539080,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Rainer,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Ioannis,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13504762,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 val,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 13707663,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Bob Brinkman,5 个月前While Video DownloadHelper isn't perfect, it is an incredibly helpful tool while performing online research. It works quickly and efficiently, although the latest version has troubles with Twitch content (as in, it cannot capture it at all), it sometimes has issues with youtube, and doesn't always upload downloadable content while cycling through websites.
Still, if you are in the midst of a research heavy project and need to be sure that your sources don't vanish without a trace? This is the tool for you. - 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18274394,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 PDP,5 个月前Works well, sometimes without the QR watermark. I'd gladly pay for the lifetime license if you took Paypal. One star off because you don't.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 sabofx,5 个月前Really excellent tool that is under continuous improvement. Definitely worth every penny. I would rate it 5* if it would also support downloading videos from on
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Lidija,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17757555,5 个月前Πολύ χρήσιμο εργαλείο. Με περιθώρια βελτίωσης όμως είναι free και αυτό είναι πολύ σημαντικό.
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18621936,5 个月前
- 评分 4 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14887952,5 个月前Unverzichtbar, wenns um den Download von Youtube Videos geht. Leider funktioniert der Download von Videos nicht unter allen Umstaenden im Bereich des eigenen Youtube-Studios (wenn man beispielsweise Videos hochlaedt, encoden laesst, auf scheduled stellt und dann wieder downloaden will). Dann springt der Erkenner nicht an.