Video DownloadHelper 的评价
Video DownloadHelper 作者: mig, Paul
4,518 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Shadree,4 个月前Doesn't work. Requires an external application which is only available for Windows 8+
- 评分 1 / 5来自 pilou,4 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16927929,4 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Mr. G,4 个月前Es lo peor que he instalado!! Se camufla como extensión gratuita. Luego, pide que se descargue he instale otra aplicación para poder descargar algún video. Luego, de instalar la segunda aplicación, descarga el video con un enorme código QR en la esquina inferior del video. Debería de poner una descripción completa, no una descripción dudosa e incompleta. Debería Mozilla de vetarlos para que realmente publiquen la verdad de lo que hace.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Samir,4 个月前Раньше мог нормально перехватывать видео.
Сейчас с новым интерфейсом ничего не могу сделать.
Удаляю. - 评分 1 / 5来自 malau,4 个月前Used to be free. Now it costs $28.50, else you get a MASSIVE QR code in the corner.
I see no point in keeping this bloated resource hungry extension installed. It is worthless trash now. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18488594,4 个月前Giant QR code on video unless you pay $28.50 does not work for me.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18593657,4 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 coderkoala,4 个月前***JUST USE FETCHV*** Context: It makes you jump through hoops, but then asks you money, and plasters a big effin' QR code across the video, rendering your efforts useless. Class act on what not to do in initial impression.
Or, donate, ya guys, so they can remove the QR code watermark that's just insulting - at best. They prolly hired someone that made the decision - OR on one drunk night one of the contributors in the team had this "brilliant" idea.
Uninstalled it myself, because I was a day 1 addon user. I'll look for a "competing product" that offers more for without being a thunder-karen instead of a nag-master - that's a labor of love, than a downhill-deer.
You guys are brilliant devs, but very saddened by the approach you took. Do it the winrar way - nag, but don't obstruct. Because it pisses off your potential leads from the get-go. Esp considering most folks that were there with you since day 1 are starting to move on.
Coming here from Reddit btw. You guys are making a case-study on what not to do. Thanks for the lesson for a lifetime. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Enelass,4 个月前Since I had to waste time uninstalling the extension + uninstalling the helper I might also leave a one star review... Why is the point downloading a video ruined by your QR Code / Watermark... Just make it clear this require a paid license for Youtube
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Cyrus,4 个月前年々使えるサイトが減って、とうとう大手でも失敗するようになりました。コンパニオンアプリを入れた上での話です。他のアドオンもだめなので、動画ダウンロードだけChromium系アドオンを使っています。面倒だけど確実なので。
- 评分 1 / 5来自 EddyBravo99,4 个月前Waste of time since the revamp the devs should be ashamed of themselves it fails to download any video.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14173479,4 个月前Pourquoi pas demander de l'argent, mais 20 euros par année ça me semble beaucoup trop.
Je viens d'installer FetchV qui fonctionne extrêmement bien - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18655875,4 个月前It used to work fine, but suddenly they added a watermark on the video
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14785464,4 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18653251,5 个月前Загрузка идёт очень медленно, требуют установить доп. приложение на компьютер, а по её завершению вы узнаете, что на пол экрана вам налепят огромную вотемарку с каким-то QR кодом! Отвратительно, подло и паскудно!
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18653206,5 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 minigeist,5 个月前if the final product is going to have a giant, opaque watermark on it blocking the whole point of the app, then PLEASE put this app behind a normal, full-disclosure paywall page like a legitimate software for sale, instead of a bait and switch sample of pay-to-unlock features, like this. just be honest. there doesn't seem to be a way to uninstall the weird secondary app it requires, now, as my pc doesn't list it in programs, so it feels like malware despite the friendly reassurance on the download page.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14659101,5 个月前It looks like you could download things, but soon as you try, it immediately complains and tells you to install another app that bypasses Firefox's store so who knows what crap is in it.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Carbon14,5 个月前Get's worse with every passing year. No longer usable due to watermarking and subscription requirements.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18630004,5 个月前