Video DownloadHelper 的评价
Video DownloadHelper 作者: mig, Paul
4,524 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Frank,1 年前Was fine until I tried to download a video today and was met with a giant watermark that required payment to remove. Didn't work all that great to begin with, but it was fine. Now it's not.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14971508,1 年前schrott, man kann die auflösung der videos nicht immer sehen, das ist nervig, es zeit 4 video an, aber man sieht nicht welches das besste von der auflösung ist.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18141995,1 年前It requires an additional app on MacOS which you can't and should not install because it's not verified.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 10911376,1 年前Many important features are behind a paywall and require other software to be installed.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 JF Special K,1 年前Functionally useless because each download adds a massive QR code to the corner of whatever you deign to download.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18136385,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18136008,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 17436987,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Meysam,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Français,1 年前App en plus de l'add on firefox à telecharge sans mention dans la description, gros QR code sur les videos telechargees pour vous demander de payer la version pro et watermark sur les videos alors que cette extension doit permettre le telechargement illegal de video youtube c'est un comble.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 charls75,1 年前todo bien hasta hace poco comenzo a descargar con baja resolucion, tarda mas tiempo y termina incrustando un codigo QR, el cual antes no existia
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Geneticshock,1 年前If you want to use this downloader get ready to pay to remove the huge watermark.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 staigea,1 年前I would maybe think about donating, if the QR code was bigger than the video I was trying to download, it isn't a gentle reminder, its a big FU to the people that havent paid for it, might as well make it mandatory to pay for it. I will not be doing either one. If the QR code was smaller, I might have thought about it, but its obnoxious.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18128795,1 年前Extension will not work without downloading a companion app. Resulting videos have a huge watermark on them unless you pay $20 to unlock the pro version. Downloaded video does not match the quality of the online video despite having the ability to select the specific resolutions of the hosted file.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 LameFox,1 年前Seems to exist solely to make you install an app. Why is it even an "add on"?
- 评分 1 / 5来自 StefKing,1 年前Used to be good years ago. Don't bother anymore. I used to use this app like 3 years ago when it was small and unknown. It was great back then. Now they're making you jump through loopholes for the same thing. Now you have to download an external app (which defeats the purpose of an extension) and they watermark your videos. This didn't happen in the past. It ashame to see a small, unknown app that used to be great turn into a money grab. Now looking for alternatives.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Zozz999,1 年前Bad enough to ask me to download extra components to my PC but to then demand a donation by putting huge ass watermarks on the videos? Keep your app, I'll keep my money. Bye.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18125071,1 年前They now watermark your videos unless you pay... went from an OK addon to pure garbage because of that. There are better alternatives.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 JimmyT,1 年前I downloaded Video Download Helper but never saw the 3 ball icon so I cannot use the app
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18119474,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 16065070,1 年前Used to be really good, but then they forced a payment system. Not buying the full version puts a massive QR code watermark in the corner of the video, and you can't convert to audio.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Radovan,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Barf,1 年前Warning - They make you download an extra app before you can download the video then they put a huge watermark on the downloaded video that you can only remove by "donating" money to them. They don't tell you any of this before, just waste your time.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18115582,1 年前