Danny Lin 的回应
发布于 4 年前WebScrapBook is not meant to be compatible with ScrapBook, whose data scheme is relatively old and is rather limited (e.g. can't support .htz, .maff, and single html). We may implement a tool to (unidirectionally) convert WebScrapBook data into ScrapBook-compatible format like ScrapBook X Converter, but likely being a command line tool using PyWebScrapBook for better performance and cross-platform compatibility.
For now, metadata like URL source of the captured page is saved in the index.html as a root HTML tag attribute, and can be easily read using PyWSB backend. You can manually (or write a script to) create an index.dat from it if you need to back-port a page captured by WSB to SB.
For now, metadata like URL source of the captured page is saved in the index.html as a root HTML tag attribute, and can be easily read using PyWSB backend. You can manually (or write a script to) create an index.dat from it if you need to back-port a page captured by WSB to SB.