OS 样式最小化窗口按钮
OS 样式最小化窗口的工具栏按钮
13 个用户
COSMOS for Facebook™
Reveals hidden users who disabled discussion information from Facebook's profiles and other helpful information. No registration, no friendship required, **100% safe**, **100% free** add-on. Just install it, go to any Facebook page, wait for the page
13 个用户
Date Calculator with affiliate
You can check your age with days, months and years and also you can calculate the number of days between 2 dates
13 个用户
Read .txt files in darkness.
13 个用户
Smack the active tab and move it to the beginning or end of the tab list.
13 个用户
Hide Zhihu Topbar
A simple extention to hide the topbar of Zhihu site.
13 个用户
Free TheHindu
Now you can read The Hindu with: 1. No annoying ads 2. No Subscription reminders 3. No Monthly Reading Limit
13 个用户
Dagbladet forsidefiks
Erstatt titlene på dagbladet.no med mer dekkende titler.
13 个用户
A better Dark theme for SoundCloud
13 个用户
Fastmail favicon count
Add a count of your unread messages to the favicon on fastmail.
13 个用户
Reload Tab
Reload active tab in current window with an icon in toolbar.
13 个用户
Tab Page Double Click Reload and Close
Reload tab by double left clicking anywhere on the page. Close tab by double right clicking anywhere on the page.
13 个用户
Brings customization options and QoL improvements to crunchyroll.com to make Crunchyroll more usable. Eg darkmode, resizable player, custom backgrounds, default quality setting, toggleable autoplay and more.
13 个用户
YouTube Declarify
Removes the clarify notification under YouTube videos.
13 个用户
Stop websites from blocking scrolling (e.g. when showing "privacy" popups)
13 个用户
Github Tree Structure
To view the changed files as tree structure in Github
13 个用户
Bachhpan is a powerful browser extension designed to enhance online safety for children by giving parents greater control over their internet browsing experiences. With bachhpan, parents can establish a secure online environment for their kids,
13 个用户
Simple Moodle
Make Moodle simpler
13 个用户
ZedMode: Dark Mode for TryHackMe.com
13 个用户
ChatGPT Bottom Copy Code Button & Statistics
Adds an additional 'Copy Code' button and code statistics at the bottom of code snippets in ChatGPT.
13 个用户
Badge Checker for Gmail™
Shows badge notification for unread emails (supports multi-account)
13 个用户
OS 样式最大化窗口按钮
OS 样式最大化窗口的工具栏按钮
13 个用户
Robinhood Scroll
Adds watchlist scrollbar for Robinhood.com.
13 个用户
Convert Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada webpages to Manglish, Hinglish, Kanglish.
13 个用户
RoleLayer Fix
RP focused helper plugin to add images and format comments on Reddit.
13 个用户