Google Calendar Weekend Highlighter
Custom Colour for Weekends in Google Calendar
9 个用户
No Trend Twitter
An extension to hide the Twitter Trending Topics
9 个用户
Auto clicks on the hide button for ads on the kiss anime site
9 个用户
Friendly Github
Makes GitHub a better Social Network
9 个用户
Indent lines in textarea with Tab
When you select several lines of text in textarea and press Tab, these lines will be indented. With Shift+Tab these lines will be unindented.
9 个用户
All Work No Play Soundbites
When the name 'Laura Bailey', or 'Travis Willingham' is clicked, the corresponding soundbite from All Work No Play will sound.
9 个用户
BMI Score Calculator
Calculator to calculate your BMI.
9 个用户
Dax In Space
Shows today's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) from NASA as the background to the DuckDuckGo homepage ( This is an unofficial DuckDuckGo extension. The Dax the Duck logo is used with permission.
9 个用户
Mediapart Single Page
Automatically loads articles from on a single page (avoids pagination).
9 个用户
AWS console regions color
Changes the AWS console header color depending on the region you selected.
9 个用户
GitHub Repository Size
Displays the size of a GitHub repository on its homepage
9 个用户
Ebay Artikel Verkaufshistorie
Fügt der Artikelseite eine Schaltfläche hinzu, mit der die Verkaufshistorie eines Artikel angezeigt wird.
9 个用户
Christmas Decorations
Easily add some decorative lights to any webpage
9 个用户
Redação Paraná Advanced
Habilita o copiar e colar nas áreas de texto do Redação Paraná.
9 个用户
Inbox Reborn theme for Gmail™
Adds features like reminders, email bundling and Inbox's minimalistic style to Gmail™
9 个用户
Hacker News, Enhanced
Hacker News Enhanced. Like HNES, but before the restyling update
9 个用户
Ambivid player for Youtube™
Creates light effects around Youtube's video player corresponding to the video content
9 个用户
Iranian Ad-Blocker | قطع تبلیغات ایرانی
Ad-Blocker for Iranian Advertising services بلاک کردن تبلیغات سرویس دهنده های تبلیغات ایرانی
9 个用户
Link Favicons
Browser Addon to see the favicon of a page next to the link This extension requests the favicon for the link from a external API.
9 个用户
IMDB Pirate
Converts IMDB page URLs to VidSrc and searches IMDB (Best if used with an ad blocker)
9 个用户
Say no to mailto
9 个用户
TgFixer (Telegram unblock)
Telegram url fixer. Automatically changes all links on tg://resolve?domain=username Also redirect to
9 个用户
Ads hider for Gmail™
Make content panel wider by hiding Gmail ads.
9 个用户
WebExtension written to set a reading mark in the pages you choose. Never forget where your reading finished last time. A kind review have been written by Laxman Singh right here: review
9 个用户
Stop procrastinating, block any website with a single click!
9 个用户