IMDb, Trakt & Letterboxd Search
Right click to search for a movie on IMDb, Trakt, or Letterboxd.
7 个用户
YouTube Embed Link Modifier
Modifies YouTube links to embed before the page is opened.
7 个用户
Piazza Automated Related Question Recommender. PARQR recommends similar posts on Piazza to save you time!
7 个用户
Bibliai hivatkozások beillesztése a Szentírá oldalról
7 个用户
Fixes links for MobaXTerm
7 个用户
Twitch Fixer
Remove sponsored/advertised channels from the main page.
7 个用户
Azure DevOps icon [Git]
Adds colour-coded tab icons and associated shortcut button for Git on Azure DevOps
7 个用户
Azure DevOps icon [Test Plans]
Adds colour-coded tab icons and associated shortcut button for Test Plans on Azure DevOps
7 个用户
No Fucking Thanks — nft blocker
Expose NFTs for what they are: shitty JPEGs
7 个用户
Convert plain text URLs into Clickable Links for Android Firefox and Desktop PC
7 个用户
FPL Shirt Photo Replacer
This extension replaces the default FPL shirt images with actual player photos, providing a more engaging experience for users.
7 个用户
Decolonial Hacker
Decolonial Hacker is an intervention into the digital territory of cultural institutions.
7 个用户
Weather Please
介绍“Weather Please”,这是一个简单与速度的和谐融合,旨在赋权所有用户,包括那些依赖屏幕辅助技术的用户。
7 个用户
Lectio opgave skjuler
Denne extension skjuler opgaver som er afleveret eller mangler.
7 个用户
ChessCom board centerer
Centers the board on, so it's not offset to the left, also available for youtube player @
7 个用户
QuantumEdge Dark
QuantumEdge Dark is a theme made using the new Theme API introduced in Firefox 60+. This is a dark theme, but if you like light ones more, I got one for that aswell.
7 个用户
Agile Tulip Extension
Tulipize the Agile way: show request comments, counter for requests awaiting your approval, delegated rights highlight, etc
7 个用户
List URLs of open tabs
Adds a button to list the URLs of all open tabs in the current window.
7 个用户
Diese Erweiterung stellt nützliche Informationen für alle Mietwagenbegeisterte bereit. Den Anfang macht die Möglichkeit, die aktuelle Auslastung einer Sixt Station in den Suchergebnissen auf der Sixt-Homepage anzuzeigen.
7 个用户
Secuba URL Extension
Secuba URL Extension adds current URL to the window's title.
7 个用户
Time Out
Stay focused on what you do!! Are you thinking that you're running out of time always? Do you want to make your daily tasks on time? Here is the best add-on for you!!! Yes, You can monitor your time and be alerted!!
7 个用户
Tracks the status for the current selected user chat in
7 个用户
Reverts Youtube shorts to regular videos
7 个用户
कृदन्तदर्शिका, Sanskrit Parser & dictionary
Parses a Sanskrit word and gives English meanings of the constituent words, and related Kridanta forms if any
7 个用户
Refined Microsoft Learn
Make Microsoft Learn better by focusing on the content. Removes the right side bar and expand the main content.
7 个用户