Pronotheme vous permet de créer un mode sombre pour le site web Pronote.
5 个用户
Home Page++
Dynamic themes, task list, sweet greetings, set wallpaper or use Bing. No ads, no tracking, full freedom. Have an awesome time!
5 个用户
Foryu - 3D Shimejis
A companion that hangs out in your browser with you.
5 个用户
Vocab learner with common foreign words injected into your english websites.
5 个用户
Attempts to give all webpages a 2000s vibe (if 2000s vibes were the same thing as rainbow vibes)
5 个用户
Fandom Wiki Recommendations Remover
Frees space for wiki main content by hiding recommendations sidebar
5 个用户
Q 搜索
在一个地方查询管理浏览器各种记录和海量互联网资源,遨游互联网从 Q 搜索开始
5 个用户
AlienTab - New Tab
New Tab page with animated background and the weather forecast. With this beautiful abstract animation you will be always glad to open a new tab. Also you can check the weather in your location with hourly and 4 day forecast.
5 个用户
5 个用户
Fullscreen Everywhere
Allows you to use fullscreen mode in all videos in any website (works only for youtube and dailymotion videos, and natives ones)
5 个用户
Justice For All Texts
For every <article>, set textAlign = "justify"
5 个用户
Quick Switch
Quickly switch between your last active tab and your currently active tab using CTRL+Q Icons made by Freepik from
5 个用户
Rewrite URL with Proxy
This add-on adds a proxy to the URL of a web-page. It adds a prefix and postfix to the URL that can be set in the preferences. It currently uses the proxy details of Utrecht University.
5 个用户
Stylerific is a plugin that gives users the ability to add custom CSS to their favorite webpages, on a per-domain basis.
5 个用户
KLMS. Redesigned.
5 个用户
Chameleon Dynamic Theme (forked)
Chameleon Dynamic Theme (forked)
5 个用户
Copy Link Text
Copy link text by double-clicking or double-tapping on a link.
5 个用户
Clear Youtube™ Interface
Clear Youtube interface by hiding some of its components.
5 个用户
UCAM Extended for UIU
A Web Plugin for UIU UCAM Portal to add more functionalities. It can show you the Exam routine of UIU Trimesters within the UCAM portal.
5 个用户
Kasowacz Reklam
Będzie kasować reklamy na poczcie
5 个用户
Far - Evo (VIII :revs:) du forum
Plugin d'amélioration et de correction de bugs du forum - Améliorations: liens youtube transformés en vidéos, spoiler/unspoiler, nouveaux smileys, upload de fichiers - Corrections: messages privés, liens dans citation ..
5 个用户
Avoid screen burn-in, image persistence and ghost image with a css animation which move periodically the body of web pages.
5 个用户
Facebook pleasant theme
changes the appearance of Facebook to a more friendly look and feel. (This is computer/laptop browser and not for the mobile browser)
5 个用户
네이버 블로그 모바일 뷰 화면의 가독성을 올려줍니다.
5 个用户
TinyURL Simplified
A browser extension that shortens URL on the fly, with or without alias, by using the TinyURL service.
5 个用户