Sick of Twitter's new rebrand? This extension changes the logo back to that iconic bird!
4 个用户
mdBook Auto Theme
🎨 A browser extension for automatically applying themes on websites generated by mdBook.
4 个用户
(Doesn't really work anymore so I wouldn't recommend using it) Adds a tooltip to quickly look up rules on ChiefDelphi
4 个用户
Sauce for Strava™ [ALPHA]
4 个用户
Anime Sama Style
Modifier le style Anime Sama, une extension non officielle
4 个用户
An extension replacing the right-click menu of Firefox with a doughnut-shaped menu.
3 个用户
Switch between code panes on CodePen, JSFiddle, and other online code editors, right from the keyboard.
3 个用户
Wikipedia Article Recommender
Wikipedia Article Recommender suggests a related article for most of the English-language Wikipedia articles you visit.
3 个用户
Anti-distractor for Quora
Hides the sidebar on Quora to help you focus.
3 个用户
#Bring It Back
3 个用户
Mailman Moderation
Manage and moderate all your mailman lists at once WARNING: Experimental! Not compatible with Mailman 3! Test before throwing it at real work!
3 个用户
enables visited link colors on Google News (gN) for convenient browsing
3 个用户
NCBI RookieUI is a browser extension that give an updated graphic style to the NCBI website. The articles are clearer and more pleasant to read. For now, the extension has 4 color themes that you can choose according to your preferences.
3 个用户
Google Results Order Customizer
Order or hide category tabs in Google search results.
3 个用户
Alexa Quick Search
Alexa Quick Search access your search engines in a popup panel when you select text in a webpage. Context search menu also included!
3 个用户
Enhanced QIS
Multiple enhancements for QIS. Sourcecode and documentation under:
3 个用户
Remove Analytics Count
Removes the analytics indicator off twitter (reloads every second because I cannot be asked to figure out a better refresh event)
3 个用户
fullscreen button+
3 个用户
dark mode for
3 个用户
IRIAM で使用した JASRAC の楽曲申請を KANTAN にするやつです
3 个用户
Hide Anything - Element Hider for Firefox
Hide web elements and intrusive ads — permanently
3 个用户
Removing ballast from websites
3 个用户
Calendar Current Week
Visually marks current week at Google Calendar
3 个用户
DerStandard Popup Entferner
Diese Erweiterung entfernt das "Bleiben sie uns verbunden" Popup und das Overlay.
3 个用户
Twitter (X) Adblock
Block ads on X (the app formerly known as Twitter)
3 个用户