Moyenne Scolinfo
Affiche les moyennes par matière et générale sur
1 个用户
Custom NewTab
Custom stuff in your newtab.
1 个用户
BBC Sounds Dark Mode
Adds dark mode support to BBC Sounds
1 个用户
Converts in-page temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
1 个用户
New look of
1 个用户
Face Blocker
1 个用户
HUGELOL Enhancement Suite
the hugelol enhancement suite is a simple application that makes the browsing of hugelol easier by adding more features and making the notifications more accessible
1 个用户
Puentify - Edit Page Content
This extension adds an option on the context menu in order to start or stop editing the content of the page.
1 个用户
Fixes Cracked styling for firefox
1 个用户
Google Ads COP to USD
Addon replaces COP currencies with USD at Google Ads.
1 个用户 add-on to help users collaborate on website designs. Leave comments on page node, reply, resolve and collaborate with your team.
1 个用户
Determines if a character is an L or an I or a 1. Useful for those unclear fonts.
1 个用户
Make any web page a canvas to select, copy and paste anywhere else. Works using Shortcuts Keys.
1 个用户
새 작품 탭
새 탭을 열면 국립현대미술관(MMCA)과 서울시립미술관(SeMA) 소장품 온라인 컬렉션 중 한 작품 설명과 링크를 랜덤으로 보여준다.
1 个用户
New tab override to black-background with clock. Very simple addon.
1 个用户
"Fixe" le nouveau thème Vector déployé actuellement sur quelques Wikipédia et Wiktionnaire Enlève les marges inutiles en laissant l'espace pour le menu. Si vous avez un compte Wiki, utilisez l'option dédiée pour de meilleurs résultats.
1 个用户
Auto sets YouTube to dark mode.
1 个用户
Керуйте топ оголошеннями
1 个用户
Adds a green border to all safe webpages on Internet
1 个用户
NoYoutubeFeedFilterBar: Hide Feed Filter Tag Bar
Simply remove Youtube Feed Filter Tag Chip Bar
1 个用户
The Clock
The clock Firefox's Add-On shows time and date quickly. It has background images correspond to the periods of a day.
1 个用户
GitHub Rulers
Displays a 0, 80 and 120 character stop in the GitHub web editor
1 个用户
Emotions for HN
Add emotions to the HN comments!
1 个用户
JS Cube
Inject your own JS into specific websites!
1 个用户
A browser extension that brings a new GitHub experience
1 个用户