Hide the Grafana banner prompting to upgrade to the Pro Plan
1 个用户
FlowStock is stock and orders managment extension for popular eCommerce solution MyCashflow.
1 个用户
Better Biosphere for the iut of bordeaux on the project BioSphere7
1 个用户
9gag comments
Automatically opens comments on webpages matching 9gag.com/gag.
1 个用户
Ergänzt cardmarket.com um US-Dollar-Preise(tcgplayer), welche von scryfall.com bereitgestellt werden. Dieses Add-on ist kein offizielles MKM Produkt! Ich übernehme keine Haftung für die von scryfall.com bereitgestellten Preise.
1 个用户
Par-ce que le vent peut passer entre différentes montagnes, remplace le nom de personnalités politiques française par leurs versions froutifiées.
1 个用户
Indian Recipes
Indian recipes, indian food recipes, indian cooking recipes, indian food blog
1 个用户
Leaf - Random color generator
Pick random colors for your projects. try Leaf !
1 个用户
miku to mike
turns all miku into mike
1 个用户
Better letter
Write letters easier, this extension allows you to reuse your data while writing many letters per day
1 个用户
Redirect to Original PTT
Just Redirect
1 个用户
mailto: Sapo Mail, Gmail e Outlook
Envie emails no seu serviço habitual de forma simples sem sair do navegador!
1 个用户
Trash Opinions
Removes the NeoCon section from the Washington Post, and whatever insanity is trending on Twitter.
1 个用户
Mediapart Onepage
Always display Mediapart.fr articles on one page
1 个用户
Track your winrate in Geoguessr Battle Royale mode
1 个用户
Replace a new tab page with your own wallpaper. A new tab without distractions.
1 个用户
Panorama Tab
Panorama Tab replaces your new tab with a unique design and set of features that you can customize to fit your style.
1 个用户
Calmoon for Garoon
Make you free from sending/receiving notifications on Garoon 🤫
1 个用户
Browse links on a HackerNews thread, fast!
1 个用户
Ajoute une croix pour enlever les popup horrible du Webcampus UNamur
1 个用户
Ninova Beautifier
Modern Design for Ninova
1 个用户
Stratus - New Tab Page
A clean and fast new tab page
1 个用户
Colors Changer
The "Color Changer" extension offers users a one-click solution to change the background color of their active webpage, enhancing customization with a minimalistic approach.
1 个用户
KoGaMa Light
Adds a clear theme to the KoGaMa website.
1 个用户
Firefocus is a Firefox browser extension designed to enhance your productivity and improve concentration at work, this application combines simplicity and efficiency to help you focus on tasks using the popular Pomodoro technique.
1 个用户