Image & Video Adjuster
Отрегулируйте яркость и контраст изображений и видео на любом веб -сайте. изображение или видео становится ярче и контрастнее за счет чего можно разглядеть интересные детали на темных и слабоосвещенных изображениях/фотографиях/видео
1 个用户 Gray Filter Remover
Instantly removes the gray filter when setting's cut to 0%
1 个用户
disable snow background on codeforces
1 个用户
Alleva's Tools
An unobtrusive toolbar for the automatic transliteration of some languages; partly customizable
1 个用户
A clipboard you can access on every website, that have some side effects on LLM.
1 个用户
Florida Man Replacement
Replaces the name of the 47th President of the United States with 'Florida Man' on webpages. That's all it does.
1 个用户
An app which displays random squirrelisms from various sources
1 个用户
No Random Content for YouTube
Removes random unrelated videos (typically third in the «related» panel) from YouTube feed and search.
1 个用户
Add color inverting CSS to your pages to simulate Dark Mode with a simple click
1 个用户
Enhancer for Startpage
Enhance your Startpage experience with favicons, a custom theme, centered search results, and dynamic tab titles!
1 个用户
Extension places marks next to stocks supported by Revolut on listings from
1 个用户
Adds volume control to
1 个用户
Stereogum Downgrader
"Fixed" the reviews in The Number Ones columns in by moving the song rating from the top to the bottom where it belongs. As of November 20, 2020, Stereogum is now displaying the rating at the bottom, and is no longer needed.
1 个用户
Eldenring Newtab
Immerse yourself in the ancient and mystical atmosphere of Elden Castle every time you open a new tab
1 个用户
diePartei Blocker
Ja eine politische Gruppierung blockiert gerne Meinungen anderer
1 个用户
Liquipedia Spoiler free view
Hides results and standings on The results can then be shown per button click
1 个用户 Opening Name Extender
This addon will make the opening names in more detailed. Works only in analysis mode or after you are done playing a game with an opponent.
1 个用户
Refined AWS Console
Simplifies the Amazon Web Services Console interface.
1 个用户
Yank It!
Changes middle-mouse autoscrolling to a mobile-like dragging gesture.
1 个用户
1 个用户
Il componente si occupa di migliorare alcuni aspetti funzionali del sito dei tiket di andromeda fornito da NewAssistent. Le modifiche sono semplici come l'aggiunta di un colore per identificare gli utenti o la formattazione del testo. Uso interno
1 个用户
coronavirus remover
removes coronavirus text all webpages matching coronavirus.This extension is going to remove coronavirus text from your browser This extension is going to remove coronavirus text from your browser only it is going read the text in webapge and removes
1 个用户
Earth Images New Tab
New tab page that displays pictures from r/earthporn. Clock can toggle seconds by pressing 't'.
1 个用户
Replaces your new-tab screen with a sticky note board
1 个用户
Resize Firefox window width.
1 个用户