Smileshopping Spenden-Assistent
Der Smileshopping-Assistent schafft den "Umweg" über ab! Das heißt: Sie besuchen DIREKT einen Onlineshop und die Erweiterung weist sie daraufhin, wenn sie mit Ihrem Einkauf eine Spende vergeben können. Für Sie garantiert kostenlos!
1 个用户
This app allow user (using the TakeItAway android app) to shift the currently displayed page to their smartphone and back
1 个用户
PageAPatte - Page de démarrage personnalisée
Page de démarrage avec des flux RSS personnalisées, la météo, les événements de l'agenda et les mails non lus.
1 个用户
BetterMoodle for the DHBW
Sets a custom theme for the moodle of the DHBW
1 个用户
Collapse for Wikipedia
An add-on to collapse by section in Wikipedia. Useful for filtering out information that you don't need. If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue on the addons github page.
1 个用户
Outline Colorizer
Allows you to add colorized outlines to divs on pages, making a "wireframe" of divs.
1 个用户
mBank white layout fixer
Are you frustrating about new mBank transaction panel layout ? Enjoy the old one.
1 个用户
Distraction-Free Paper
Hide Dropbox Paper's screen header for an even cleaner writing interface
1 个用户
Allows the user to make short notes.
1 个用户
Provides meaning of highlighted words in notifications
1 个用户
Lookup tough words as you read
1 个用户
Shows a green or red icon in the address bar depending on whether or not the current URL matches the set scope.
1 个用户
讓臉書圖片變成灰階以防止過度剌激 Make Facebook images grayscale to avoid overstimulation
1 个用户
Makes Trump references more palatable by replacing them with 'King Cheeto' (forked from
1 个用户
Hides sponsored content and paid posts on, and to protect you from subtle Ads. Just install it and it will remove those posts. Because F***ing paid posts.
1 个用户
Reddit Redirect
Redirect all requests made to Reddit, to the old Reddit site.
1 个用户
Smart Start page
Scans the history of the browser and offers those sites that you often open at this time of day
1 个用户
Grey Vision
Removes all views, likes, and subscription numbers from youtube for a cleaner experience without pre-judgements. Inspired by CGP Grey & Brady Haran Created by
1 个用户
A dynamic theme that continuously cycles through colors.
1 个用户
El Patrón
Replaces the words 'Delete' and 'Remove' with 'Dar Plomo'.
1 个用户
github hide banner
Hides GitHub Signup banner for each repository.
1 个用户
Native Messaging by DI team
Send a message to a native application.
1 个用户
Dodatek do Firefoxa/Chrome dodający funkcje do iDziennika.
1 个用户
Replaces new tab with customizable markdown-powered columns.
1 个用户
AymericDev: CV Accès Facile (
Module permettant d’agréger très simplement et très rapidement les résultats de vos recherches sur Les données agrégées doivent être utilisées conformément aux CGU du site. Plus de détails:
1 个用户