수용소 모바일 페이지 유저 차단
수용소(https://suyong.so/)에서 보기 싫은 유저들을 차단할 수 있습니다. 글/댓글/알림목록상에서 차단됩니다. 모바일 수용소 페이지에서만 정상 동작합니다. This addon hides posts and comments written by the users whom you don't want to see in Suyongso. Works ONLY with mobile Suyongso webpages.
0 个用户
Applies small changes to the UI of the Crypto Exchange FTX to make it more user friendly. The chart height and width is increased to make it more accessible. The ticker menu is moved into a vertical bar on the left of the chart.
0 个用户
VM Jira Layout
Ändern des Jira Kanban Dashboards: * Neue wide-range View wieder auf die Bildschirmbreite gemapped * Freien Platz minimiert für eine bessere Übersicht * Die Issue links sind clickable, zum Öffnen in neuen Tabs * weitere kleiner Layout anpassungen
0 个用户
Let Me Focus
Removes the Twitter sidebar
0 个用户
Write exit time on eTempo Web
Write the exit time on eTempo web
0 个用户
always old redit
This extension will go to the old reddit
0 个用户
GoogEvening - Alpha ver.
Adds a dark background to google search site Author finds it useful to use in late evenings when its dark around
0 个用户
Копирование названия инициатора и описания тикета
0 个用户
Adds the missing logos for Underworld Denizens and Chaos Renegades to Fumbbl.
0 个用户
Makes the Web keyboard-accessible.
0 个用户
SRDC Enhanced
Enhances speedrun.com user pages with race results
0 个用户
Yopibest MAC to Names
Untokkan ganti MAC di router TP-Link menjadi name. Install dan jalankan dulu Extension "Yopibest MAC Storage" sebelum menjalankan extension ini. my e-mail: yopibest@gmail.com
0 个用户
For use with SURFconext: the plugin allows you to preselect your university or school, and will then automatically select that institution whenever you need to choose it from the lost in the discovery screen at https://engine.surfconext.nl
0 个用户
Klouder Number One!
Sets the number one ranked player on ScoreSaber to Klouder, because Klouder is best!
0 个用户
This extension set the comments of Gizmodo Brazil to the top because people usually prefer to see the comments first anyway,right ?
0 个用户
A wonderful new colour and its Hexadecimal code with every new tab. Make your day full of colour with Hextent.
0 个用户
Pioneer Badge Re-adder
This addon is for all the Pioneers that lost their forum badges when Rare launched the Insider programme. It re-adds our badge, with a different icon (since the Insider programme is using our old icon)
0 个用户
A dark mode made by Sparksammy.
0 个用户
Royal Flush
Automatically removes unimportant information concerning monarchies from most news agencies.
0 个用户
Shut Up, Github!
Removes the notification icon from the GitHub topbar.
0 个用户
Mr. Check
Automatically checks the squash and delete branch boxes on new GitLab merge requests
0 个用户
Learn and work undistracted on Youtube.
0 个用户
0 个用户
Changes "Australian Christian Lobby" to "Australian Dickhead Lobby".
0 个用户
Biroliro Lies
Change every occurrence of the word "Bolsonaro" into one of its nicknames
0 个用户