FormSwift - Free PDF Editor
FormSwift - Free PDF Editor for Viewing, Editing and Signing PDF files. Drag-and-drop any PDF to instantly start editing.
174 个用户
DiReec All-in-One Screen Recorder for Firefox
Record screen, webcam & audio seamlessly with the DiReec one-click screen recorder extension. Unleash your content creation now!
174 个用户
select links like a Boss
Select link's text just like regular text
174 个用户
Ultra Zoom
173 个用户
Markdown Diagrams
Renders diagrams and charts code blocks into preview images. Supports many languages: PlantUML, Mermaid, C4, GraphViz, Erd, Nomnoml, BPMN, *Diag, Bytefield, Ditaa, Svgbob, UMlet, Vega, Vega-Lite, WaveDrom.
173 个用户
Form Filler
This extension will help developers to fill random values in the form.This extension is a boon for developers as this helps developers to fill forms easily. Developers and testers can use this to add junk values.There are a lot of easter eggs as well
173 个用户
Word Editor
A free & easy-to-use word editor extension for your browser.
173 个用户
stop youtube ads
for stop youtube ads!
173 个用户
99Damage Liga FaceIt und MatchMaking ELO
173 个用户
Leetcode-Premium-X is a Firefox addon which can be used by anyone who are preparing for technical interviews or improving their coding skills on the LeetCode platform.
172 个用户
Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro Extension
Brings up the on-screen keyboard when entering text input fields. Comfort On-Screen Keyboard Pro software has to be installed and running: download on-screen keyboard
172 个用户
Helyesírás-ellenőrzés a oldalon a böngészőben kijelölt szavakra jobb gombbal kattintva megjelenő menüpont, vagy az eszközsávon található gomb segítségével.
172 个用户
史上最强大的 Twitter 客户端。
172 个用户
172 个用户
Make firefox flow like arc
172 个用户
Fix Pink Youtube
Fixes the red to pink gradiant youtube progress bar to fully red
172 个用户
Rounded Tube
A minimal customizable modern YouTube theme.
171 个用户
Return Tweet Source Label
This extention will show source label on twitter again.
171 个用户
Doc to PDF
Easily convert and download any document (doc, docx, ppt, etc.) to a PDF file.
170 个用户
Hacker News Night Mode
Theme with a darker (night mode) theme
170 个用户
Fake YouTube premium
It changes the YouTube logo to Premium logo to fake having YouTube Premium
170 个用户
Fandom SideBar Remover
Remove Side bar from Fandom Wiki
169 个用户
Single Window (open links in active window)
Do not allow popup windows. Open all links in the current window
169 个用户
Smart Drawing
Easy and fast drawing with smart drawing addon (uses Google AutoDraw)
169 个用户
Thingiverse ++
Enhance your experience with auto login, better infinite scrolling, a modern design and several bugfixes.
169 个用户