Sender Icons for Gmail™
Add a sender icon for all emails in your Gmail inbox.
86 个用户
custom start page
simple, customisable, minimalistic start page for firefox
86 个用户
Font Size Decrease
86 个用户
PSN Profiles guide column
Adds a guide column to the games list with difficulty and hour from official guide to make deciding your next hunt easier.
86 个用户
Copy Current Page URL with Anchor
Firefox extension that allows to right click an element and copy the page URL with the element's ID appended as an anchor. Useful if you want to keep a link to specific section of a webpage.
86 个用户
86 个用户
Image Direct
Google recently removed the button to view the image source when using Google's image search. With this add-on you can directly view the image source when using google image search again.
86 个用户
Toggle Website Colors (Global)
Disables or enables the website colors
86 个用户
Pluralsight Transcript
Add a Page Action to every Pluralsight video player. Clicking the Page Action will create a new popup window with a transcript (if available) along with live highlighting and automatic scrolling in time with the video playback.
86 个用户
Youtube Tabs
Group and organize your Youtube subscriptions in the Youtube UI
86 个用户
YouTube next chapter button
Adds a button to the YouTube player to fast-forward to the next section of the video
85 个用户
Regex Search & Replace
Regex: T ultimate Regex search ⭐️ Simply use Regex on any page with familiar Ctrl+F visuals. ✓ Ctrl+Shift+F search field ✓ Regex query searching ✓ Permanently marking up or replacing anything. ✓ Open Source
85 个用户
Readhook Reading
Your eyes can "skip" over the words and text with Readhook. Like a surfboard that only glides on the waves' crests. Readhook is a new way for making reading easier by using artificial fixation points to guide the gaze through text.
85 个用户
With this extension you can enjoy a full size theatre mode on youtube.
85 个用户
Hostname in title
Puts the hostname of the tab in the title.
85 个用户
Steam Currency Converter
Steam Currency Converter!
85 个用户
Lichess Custom Themes, Boards - LichessHelper
2024 Setup new themes, pieces, fonts, and boards, remove annoying notifications, popups, and so on.
85 个用户
Mark Selected Links As Visited
Marks selected links as visited. If nothing is selected - marks all links on page as visited.
84 个用户
TMDb Search (The Movie Database)
Select some text, right-click and choose "Search in TMDb" in the menu, a new tab will open with the searched text in TMDb (The Movie Database).
84 个用户
Progress Telerik Test Studio Extension
Progress Telerik Test Studio extension enables recording and executions of web tests within Firefox Web browser. The advanced recording options enable you to visually highlight an element, inspect the DOM and automatically generate verification.
84 个用户
Short Content Blocker: Block short content from Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
84 个用户
[STG plugin] Load custom group
Load custom group in Simple Tab Groups extention
84 个用户
URL Shortener
Easily shorten desired urls with Google url shortener API.
84 个用户
Discogs Tempo Adjust
A browser extension to adjust track tempo on Discogs
84 个用户
Streamlink Helper
84 个用户