RSF Medals
Enhance the Rally Sim Fans website by displaying medal icons next to your personal record times. Can you get all golds?
49 个用户
Chameleon Dynamic Theme (fixed)
Chameleon Dynamic Theme (fixed)
49 个用户
Focus Finder
Globally highlights the currently focused or hovered input field, button or action item. This helps visually navigating and observing the structure of a website.
49 个用户
Disables context menu everywhere, replacing the action with a single left click. Useful for kiosks.
49 个用户
Auto Hide Cursor
Hides the mouse pointer/cursor after an arbitrary period of time.
49 个用户
A Mozilla extension that works with the conversion between decimal and American odds formats.
49 个用户
New Window Setup
Do you use multiple monitors? This extension will force new windows into one of them.
48 个用户
Local File Explorer
Local File Explorer is an addon to bring a file explorer experience to your browser. You can browse your files and folder easily.
48 个用户
YouTube Full Video Title
Instead of just the two first lines of a video title, with this extension you will be able to see the entire thing.
48 个用户
Move Tabs
Move tabs around
48 个用户
Color Tabs
Tabs custom color based on URL
48 个用户
Dark BBC
An extension used to darken the look of the BBC, nice on the eyes, and most importantly, nice on the browser.
48 个用户 Button
Quick Button to website. Amazon is a popular online store for buying products.
48 个用户
Bingosync +
This extension provides improvements for cards such as custom color theming, custom font, integrated timer, anti stars, quick screenshots, Clue and Invasion variant indicators in real time, translation and goals rearranging.
48 个用户
Yandex Market Search
Find the best deals and save money
48 个用户
Tabs Group
Extension that allows you to group your tabs.
48 个用户
Whois Checker
The Whois Checker! IP Checker extension identifies your IP address with just one click, please note it DOES NOT hide or change your IP address. This tool is to be used to check your current IP address.
48 个用户
الاضافة تساعدك على وضع ملاحظاتك تلقائيا مطورة من قبل : بوشارب خالد
48 个用户
Youtube Spoiler Blocker
Blocking video length information from specific Youtube videos to avoid spoilers.
48 个用户
Easy Unicode Input
Allows quick and easy use of Unicode characters
48 个用户
Artstation Plus
Adding new features to Artstation
48 个用户
Video Dominator
Hover over any video, hold the right mouse button down, and use mouse wheels or buttons to seek, adjust volume, speed, and more.
47 个用户
CyberPurify - Harmful Content Purifier for Kids
Protect your kids from online harmful content. Filter 15 types of harmful content including porn, violence, horrror, etc. Filter both websites and images on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
47 个用户
Auto theme changer
Automatically changes your theme at startup to a randomly picked theme that you have downloaded to your collection. The Firefox default themes, dark theme and light theme, will be skipped. Only themes that you have downloaded will be enabled.
47 个用户
inTab 让您的新标签页焕然一新! 功能包括高清壁纸,云盘,到期提醒,书签,天气,笔记,历史记录管理等。
47 个用户