Character Remediation
This extension corrects the model dependence or other bad characters to correct characters.
44 个用户
楽天の PR 商品を非表示にする
楽天市場の検索結果から PR 商品(広告商品)を消します。
44 个用户
Bitcoin Crypto News
Cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin and Coindesk News. Also ethereum, litecoin, cash. Price flutuation charts. Wallet and price ticker.
43 个用户
GitHub Jira Issue Linkifier
This extension automatically turns Pull-Request and Commit titles with Jira tags in them (like "ICU-1234") into clickable links on GitHub. No more copy and pasting! Note: You need to set the Jira Org/Subdomain name in the add-on options first.
43 个用户
Add Doc to Classroom
An extension to help teachers share Docs to Google Classroom by adding a button to the Google Docs and Google Slides share screens
43 个用户
Hide to Print
Hide html element to Print what you want in web page
43 个用户
YouTube Playlist Duration bar
A progress bar to show playlist progress and duration
43 个用户
CleanerReads - A Goodreads Theme
Nothing removed, just muted or moved out of the way.
43 个用户
Movable window-maximize-button
Creates a movable button to maximize / restore current window.
43 个用户
Tumblr Archive
Fast link to Tumblr archive
43 个用户
OpenAI is not Open
Replaces OpenAI with 'Open'AI.
43 个用户
IMDB to torrents
IMDB to torrents adds links to popular torrent sites to search for a movie from the site. Use at your own risk and responsibility. Piracy is wrong.
43 个用户
A user style manager which can load local files and apply UI styles even in Firefox 57+
43 个用户
Universal Browser Manager
Universal manager for Firefox. Manage your tabs, bookmarks, history and clipboard using powerful filtering and sorting capability. Easily select multiple items and handle them at once. Formerly named as At Your Command.
43 个用户
Reklamsız İzle
Dizi ve film sitelerindeki reklamları kaldırır
43 个用户
Readeon: A Patreon Reading Extension
Transform Your Patreon Reading Experience
43 个用户
Encourages the HTML-Renderer to use high-contrast - nearest-neighbor-like image and video scaling. Say goodbye to bilinear!
43 个用户
Theme creator: Lite
Thme Creator: Lite, rapid and powerfull add-on with simple UI. Create your own themes in just one click. If you want a bigger solution with animated themes, use the full version.
43 个用户
RoyalRoad Full Story
An addon that adds an option for reading the full text of a RoyalRoad story.
43 个用户
Outline Reader
Cleans web pages of all unnecessary visual elements, retains only the essential content: text, illustrations and images; layout and typography are customizable. In addition, this tool manages a bibliographic database, a persistent offline annotation.
43 个用户
Recover-E: Form manual recovery. Recover input and textarea elements after form crash/refresh/close.
42 个用户
Hikka Features
Універсальне розширення для
42 个用户
Imgur Grid View
Automatically switches to grid view when an Imgur album or gallery is opened.
42 个用户
Tired of seeing Donald Trump's name everywhere on the internet? Now you don't have to!
42 个用户
Email Signatures by NEWOLDSTAMP
Free Email Signatures Generator for Gmail, GSuite, Outllook, Apple Mail
42 个用户