Reduziert die Startseite von auf das E-Mail-Anmeldeformular für eine schnellere und komfortablere Anmeldung.
37 个用户
24sessions screen sharing P2P
Screen sharing extension for
37 个用户
MangaDex helpers
Useful helper features for MangaDex. More features coming in the future if I have time.
37 个用户
Reddit *BEST -> HOT*
Redirects to and changes the home-button links (The top bar and the Snoo on the left) to Only works on old design
37 个用户
PrettierTTV aims to make Twitch look much better by using colors inspired by old Twitch (~2017) as well as make the layout simpler.
37 个用户
MathML View Source
A 'View MathML Source' context menu item
37 个用户
Einfacher Zugang zum Glossar von Wein-Plus, dem größten Weinlexikon der Welt. Nur für Mitglieder von Wein-Plus. Alle anderen sehen nur eine verkürzte Begriffsbeschreibung.
37 个用户
VK Classic Feed — старый постинг и старая лента ВК
Возвращает старый интерфейс постинга и старую ленту. Создано командой VK Next.
37 个用户
GitHub User Languages
See the language usage breakdown of a User or Org right on their GitHub profile page.
37 个用户
Invert the luminance of a website to make it easier on the eyes.
37 个用户
e92621 Enhancement Suite
Enhances the user experience on e926 and e621.
37 个用户
No awards for Reddit
Hide awards on posts and comments, works both with old and redesigned Reddit.
37 个用户
Simple Multiple Bookmarker
Allows you to bookmark multiple tabs at once.
37 个用户
Bangla Font
Avro Bangla and English Font Changer
37 个用户
Text Legibility
Makes illegible webpages legible by adjusting text size, contrast, and links.
37 个用户
Unicode Keyboard
A keyboard-navigable Input panel that can search unicode characters by character name, code block and general category. Alt+U to open and close the panel. Alt+Shift+L to toggle the latex shorthand input mode in text areas.
37 个用户
SmoothZoom – Quick Page Zoom
Zoom anywhere, on any page, without changing the page layout!
37 个用户
FakeBux for Roblox
Gets you 1M+ fake robux
37 个用户
Logs.TF Extended
Adds ETF2L and RGL name and player division info to played games on Source:
37 个用户
No Tabs
Forces all new tabs to be opened in a new window instead. This is useful if you want to use the windows task bar or other operating system features that rely on each instance of a program being in its own separate window.
37 个用户
Better Newgrounds Feed
An extension which embeds full size artwork directly into the social feed on Newgrounds.
37 个用户
You(Tube) don't stop!
Prevents annoying "video paused" dialogs from showing up
37 个用户
Block Bot
A simple utility to disable bots that disturb you while accessing websites. For now it supports hiding Drift Bots, Intercom, and Hubspot. I'll add more based on the feedback.
37 个用户
Media Carousel — browse media without distractions
Displays embedded and linked images and videos on the current page in a carousel. Quick demo video:
37 个用户
Mobile Device Emulator
Step into the shoes of various mobile users. Simulate how your website appears on different devices for an optimized user interface.
37 个用户