Reddit post notifier
Watch for the latest submissions in subreddits, reddit searches and get notifications about new private messages.
175 个用户
Estensione che ti notifica quando ti trovi in un negozio affiliato a Bitcashback
175 个用户
What Hacker News Says
Easily find Hacker News discussions about the page you're browsing. This web extension does not run any background script and requires minimum permissions.
175 个用户
Simple Plain Text Copy
Easily copy the selected text without formatting to the clipboard via right-click menu.
174 个用户
Extensie de browser care ajută al identificarea expresiilor cheie legate de COVID-19 (coronavirus) și adaugă peste acestea un infobox care trimite către sursele oficiale de informare.
173 个用户
LeanRabbook Reader 小说阅读器
Auto Parser of Novel Pages 希望用最简单的方法来做正确的事情: 重整阅读页面,预加载后续内容, 可以试试快捷键';'翻页; 翻页到底继续空格和翻页键自动翻页; 点击标题可以跳转到原始页面; 可简单记录阅读历史; 可定制解析关键字; 可定制解析附加脚本; 可定制阅读主题; 对不起: 不支持更新检查; 不承诺支持所有网站; 仅此而已,其他问题可以试着 联系我
172 个用户
Neutral Reddit Masstagger
A lite, neutral version of Reddit Masstagger for old.reddit without *inherent subreddit exclusion/inclusion. *I've now added custom subreddit weighting as per several requests. *Now with custom colorization.
171 个用户
TORPEDO browser
TORPEDO ist ein Add-On zum Erkennen von betrügerischen Links im Browser. Wenn Sie die Maus über einen Link in einer E-Mail, die Sie im Browser betrachten, bewegen, zeigt TORPEDO Ihnen ein Tooltip mit tatsächlicher Webadresse angezeigt.
169 个用户
Renders some rss feeds as html
169 个用户
SHINE for reddit
Experience reddit with new modern list and grid view interfaces that focus on bringing the content to you
169 个用户
From the context menu (right click), you can "View source" "View selection" or "Edit text" with your favorite editor.
166 个用户
Disqus Auto Expander
Automatically shows all comments, replies and embedded media items in Disqus discussions. Also stops auto-play media (audio and videos, but not GIFs) and opens URLs embedded in posts in a new browser window.
164 个用户
Send web articles to Kindle
Send web articles, Twitter threads and newsletters to Kindle.
164 个用户
CruXe - Summarise Text using AI
A Chrome Extension to Summarise an Article/Blog-Posts using advanced AI like GPT-3
163 个用户
News Filter ニュースフィルター
161 个用户
Library EZProxy
Quickly reload pages through your library's EZProxy.
160 个用户
Akari Link Shortener
Akaza Akari will reduce the presence of your URL. Using the API to generate short links. A button is added to the menu bar and options are also added to the context menu.
158 个用户
Less Distracting Reddit
Kill Reddit front page + other features to make Reddit a little less distracting.
158 个用户
Auto Close Tabs
auto closes idle tabs when not active, hidden, playing audio, highlighted/selected, pinned or contain visible text input field with text in them.
157 个用户
YouTube Endcard Controller
Hide or show endcards on YouTube
156 个用户
Fakt nepi Jano!
Read paid content on
154 个用户
The Old Reader Notifier
A tool to keep up with your The Old Reader account. RSS made easy!
153 个用户
HackMD-it - A HackMD browser extension optimized for SPEED We love HackMD because it is FAST. If you like us, you will love HackMD-it, the browser extension that boosts your speed using HackMD and extends HackMD to browser
152 个用户
UnBlur Quora
Browsing Quora shouldn't be frustrating. Let's fix that. Read unlimited Quora answers without signing up.
151 个用户
liberanews unlocks online newspapers
150 个用户