Yet another superfluous stream detector
2 个用户
Monster Hunter World - Event Log
Keep track of the Event Quest Schedule. Mark completed ones and hide them if you want.
2 个用户
Graphulator With Numerical Calculus
Graphulator with Calculus
2 个用户
Youtube Embeded Video
Superpone el video embedido en la propia web y cancela la reproduccion de anuncios
2 个用户
Wowhead extras
Adds extra features to wowhead: - Item ID on item links and icons - Spell ID on spell links and icons
2 个用户
Mikeys' ShireDex
Conjure our Magical Commands to Life
2 个用户
A work in progress all around improvement and change for some MTL novel sites
2 个用户
Spoiler Free VBTV
Removes spoilers when browsing replays on Volleyball World TV.
2 个用户
Replaces all 'hei' with 'low', and includes other text substitutions to improve browsing experience on a multitude of sites.
1 个用户
Wbijam Plus
Extra features for "Wbijam" anime website that enhance user experience and reduce unnecessary actions that cause distraction.
1 个用户
NBA Player Stats
NBA player stats is a web extension that displays daily and season average stats of players for users to see and compare stats.
1 个用户
Prepare a pedantix game (https://cemantix.certitudes.org/pedantix) by submitting a predefined list of standard words.
1 个用户
Boosteroid Discord
Show what you are playing in Boosteroid on Discord.
1 个用户
Regex Crossword Reader
Rotates vertical regexes to be readable
1 个用户
Sylestia Extension 3
Accessibilty and Quality-of-Life extension for the pet site Sylesia.com.
1 个用户
Català: Actualitza les pistes del joc "Paraulògic" (https://vilaweb.cat/paraulogic) English: updates the clues of the game "Paraulògic" (https://vilaweb.cat/paraulogic)
1 个用户
Godville Sailing rating
Parses sailing logs and sends them to rating form.
1 个用户
XKCD Alt Text Display
Displays the alt text below the XKCD comic.
1 个用户
Extension to search and find any song lyrics
1 个用户
The WHAT extension??
This extension highlights some of the funny words on the web.
1 个用户
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Basic
Hieronder is 'n eenvoudige 2D-renspeletjie wat ons in 'n Firefox-uitbreiding kan implementeer. In hierdie speletjie beheer die speler 'n renmotor, beweeg op 'n baan teen toenemende spoed, en kan versnellingsitems versamel.
1 个用户
Eddies Beyond 20
Integrates the D&D Beyond Character Sheets with Roll20 and Foundry VTT.
1 个用户
YouTube Adsless
YouTube Adsless - extension to watch videos without ads
1 个用户
shows time as %, a browser extension
1 个用户
KINGification Youtube
Ajoute King dans les miniatures Youtube
1 个用户