Diese Erweiterung ist ein Spaßprojekt für die DanielMCrew-Community Sie ersetzt Name in Youtube Videotiteln durch Namen aus der Community. Viel Spaß^^
1 个用户
Youtube controler
Control an existing youtube tab by this remote - Search a video - Play/pause video - Next video
1 个用户
MTV’s Jerzdays
Jersey Shore Family Vacation is BACK with new episodes on MTV every Thursday… we mean every Jerzday! To celebrate, we’re helping you OFFICIALLY turn your Thursdays into JERZdays.
1 个用户
WAGBPro fornece as versões mais recentes do aplicativo Whatsapp GB em dispositivos Android e iOS. As instruções de instalação detalhadas são para fazer o download do aplicativo.
1 个用户
Youtube Ad Obliterator
Ad blocks are boring. Introducing Youtube Ad Obliterator. It does not block an ad, rather it EXPLODES it.
1 个用户
Wordle Anwser "Helper"
Displays the correct answer as the title of the game.
1 个用户
1 个用户
Тренуйся швидкому і грамотному тайпінгу на диктантах з української мови
1 个用户
Isekai and Paper Helper
Removes annoying script popups while playing Isekai and Paper. 🎮😎
1 个用户
JZT's /r/pbotc RoleLayer
Sprite helper for /r/pbotc, a community BOTC RP page.
1 个用户
Remplace n'importe quelle image par une photo du grand Dozo Kaaris
1 个用户
GEFS costumes
This plugin let's you wear a costume and look like another aircraft
1 个用户
Bouton de connexion au jeu Epic-War.net ~ Xaeno
1 个用户
Selection Disabler
Disable Selection on websites
1 个用户
Rich Select Menu
Rich Select Menu for Ff users. 1) searh with everything software. 2) google 3)translate 4) copy to clipboard. easy and fast.
1 个用户
Free Rider
Free Rider play games for firefox. Free Rider Daft Punk, Free Rider HD, Free Rider Hd – Largest Half-pipe, Free Rider HD – Rocket Propulsion
1 个用户
Super Mario Maker Course ID Linkifier
Converts all text in the Super Mario Maker Course ID format, on all websites everywhere, into that course's permalink on the Super Mario Maker Bookmark web portal, and adds a second link to bookmark the course without leaving the page you're on.
1 个用户
Trump to Vomit Emoji - Detrumpify Florida Man
This plugin replaces various Trump-related phrases with the vomit emoji. Based on the Cloud To Butt Plus WebExtension.
1 个用户
DanmuCat - Show YouTube video comments as danmaku!
Display YouTube video comments with time tag and live chat messages as danmaku! Also support send danmaku.
1 个用户
Detective Kookaburra
A collection of useful enhancements & tools for use in Ark Nova games on BoardGameArena.
1 个用户
Defly Power Up+ V2
Enhance defly.io
1 个用户
Scrollable Recommendations
Makes YouTube recommendations separately scroll-able from the video.
1 个用户
Tidier YouTube
Tidier YouTube allows to remove unwanted sections or results from the home and search pages.
1 个用户
oneko fake
fake oneko real edition. momentum based and you can pick the cat up
1 个用户
Better Libdoge
such god doge but "better", acts like "libdoge firedoge edition" (this is more of a v2 lolz)
1 个用户