LightShot Roulette
Generates a random link to LightShot and goes to it. Share it with your friends if it's good!
49 个用户
49 个用户
StreamColor Enhancer
控制 Twitch、Kick 和 YouTube 流/视频的饱和度、亮度和对比度。
49 个用户
DEV version of HTLivesight is a Hattrick live match viewer, based on old livefox. You can view your matches in a new way: you have explanations near the actions (and injury estimation), live league table, lineup, popups and sounds to notify you.
49 个用户
MouseHunt Dark Mode
Dark mode for MouseHunt's browser version
49 个用户
Receive a message from a native application.
49 个用户
Lyrics for your favorite songs on your favorite sites! Now supports Spotify (Web), Youtube, YT Music and Google Play Music.
49 个用户
ESO UI Vortex Download
With the ESO UI extension installed into Vortex, this Firefox extension adds a one-click button to download and install an Addon straight from into Vortex!
48 个用户
RateFlix Plus
在 NetflixTM 上显示 IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Kinopoisk, Kinorium, TMDB, Metacritic 和 Filmweb 评分。
48 个用户
FPL Genius
Advanced statistical analysis and Artificial Intelligence to help you maximize your FPL points this season.
48 个用户
The extension FUT Mind keeps track of the packs opened on the FIFA Ultimate Team Webapp. Find more detail on the website.
47 个用户
Awards List on Letterboxd
This addon makes available awards lists on Letterboxd film pages. It also marks oscar winning crew members.
47 个用户
YouTube Full Video Title
Instead of just the two first lines of a video title, with this extension you will be able to see the entire thing.
47 个用户
Modify the while simulating a mobile viewport
47 个用户
Stray Kitty
A browser kitty toy
47 个用户
Pokemon Tower Defense - PTD.IcU
It checks your notifications at PTD.IcU & Play Pokémon Tower Defense Games on Browser
47 个用户
SpeedMaster: Custom Playback Speed for Videos
This addon allows you to break free from traditional speed limits on any video website. With the ability to set customised playback speeds without constraints. SpeedMaster also lets you add quick buttons for instant access to your preferred speeds.
47 个用户
Filmweb in HBO GO
Displays movies' recommendations from in HBO GO (
47 个用户
Sensibilisation sur les écogestes pour économiser l'énergie.
47 个用户
The Yard Disney+ Voiceovers
Watch Disney Channel Original Movies with Yard commentary.
47 个用户
Consigue el precio de los resellers en un mismo lugar
47 个用户
War Thunder Store+
Adds content creator discounts, packs and registration bonuses directly in the Gaijin store.
46 个用户
2048 Prime
An easy-to-use and lite 2048 Game
46 个用户
リンクフィルタ for
2ちゃんねるでリンクや画像に設定された外部サイトへのリダイレクトを除去します。本当のリンク先を表示して、リダイレクトを経由せずに直接その URL へ移動できます。
46 个用户
The Ending of Evangelion
Listen to the original Neon Genesis Evangelion endings on Netflix.
46 个用户