Lichess hide Elo
Hides Elo ratings on (NOTE: Lichess has since added this feature as a user preference, making this extension largely obsolete.)
13 个用户
Youtube Shorts Auto Play
Automatically plays the next video when you finish a youtube short
13 个用户
SaltyBet Character Previews
Adds buttons to the SaltyBet Compendium for previewing a character's idle gif
13 个用户
Twitch Channel Point Claimer
Automatically clicks the bonus button to claim Twitch channel points. Looks for the button every 2 minutes.
13 个用户
Roll20 Role Selection
A browser extension that allows you to join a Roll20 game as a Player by default, rather than a GM.
13 个用户
Emotes Anywhere
Bring your favourite websites to life by adding this lightweight extension that enables Twitch emotes exclusively to the comments
13 个用户
.iO Games Extension - Quick Play iO Games
The iO Games Extension of lets the players explore all popular Multiplayer iO games easily and quickly
13 个用户
Surf Clock
Keep track of the time you spend surfing on the web.
13 个用户
IDE Manipulator of CG * connect to a tchat twich and listen specific commands * apply those commands in CG IDE
13 个用户
SignUp - Sign Language for Netflix & Disney+
This extension allows the user to overlay videos of American Sign Language interpreting onto Disney+ and Netflix videos.
13 个用户
Raining Cats And Dogs
This extension will make it rain cats and dogs on your screen!
13 个用户
RODB:ラグナロクオンライン Webブラウザ拡張
13 个用户
Memory match game
Memory match game for firefox
13 个用户
Ogame Infinity (Dark Edition)
OGI - To Ogame's infinity and beyond! (Refix for ogame V8)
13 个用户
A Refresh of the Roblox Website!
13 个用户
Twitch Live
Twitch Live is an extension that brings your followed Twitch streamers into a clean, modern, Twitch-styled interface.
13 个用户
치지직 채팅창 팝업
치지직 채팅 팝업을 생성하는 시스템입니다. (채팅창 관리 가능) 한번 켜면 탭 안에서 못끕니다(그냥 그 탭 닫으면 됨, 새로고침해도 풀림). 채팅창에 닉네임 같은 사람은 같은 색으로 표시됩니다. 알아서 맨 밑으로 이동합니다. 코딩의 코자도 모르는 사람이 만들었습니다 봐주세요
13 个用户
Spoof SMS Sender fake
Send sms from any name or number
13 个用户
Twitch Live Navigation
Go back in time on Twitch with an intuitive navigation bar, allowing you to easily rewind live streams and catch up on missed moments.
13 个用户
Add a fake VAC ban message on your friends profile! Go to a profile and click the extensions icon to add it! Now supports already VAC banned or game banned profiles! Vacyourfriends, Vacyourfri
13 个用户
Sud Ouest - L'actualité de votre région
Recevez les derniers articles publiés sur en temps réel depuis votre navigateur.
13 个用户
YouTube: Play Only Audio
Turn off video of any YouTube video and play only its audio.
13 个用户
rua! 一个b站直播间助手插件,已有的功能: 视频投稿推送通知; 直播间开播推送通知;直播间无侧边栏网页全屏;直播牌子自动切换;自动签到;弹幕姬表情选取发送框(目前仅支持八儿力老师的直播间);默认直播画质;大会员B币兑换。
13 个用户
Translate for Tosbase
13 个用户
13 个用户