65 个用户
Better Notion RTL
Aligns the text in the correct way on https://notion.so .
65 个用户
Easy way to get on the fly translation of words / sentences by hovering on the text
65 个用户
German Spelling Checker - Deutscher Rechtschreibpr
Select a text in German and perform a quick spell check. <=> Wählen Sie einen Text in Deutsch aus und führen Sie eine schnelle Rechtschreibprüfung durch.
65 个用户
Eye-Able® - Visual Aid
Your visual assistant: Eye-Able®! Eye-Able® will let you see any website the way you need to. Visual impairments and other visual limitations can be compensated for by individualizing the content as desired.
65 个用户
Menu Sugestões - Goo. Tradutor
Controlar o Menu de Sugestões do Google Tradutor: Enter para ocular e CTRL+Espaço para mostrar.
64 个用户
64 个用户
Oxford Learner Dictionary
Oxford Learner Dictionary search tool
63 个用户
English - Hindi Transliteration
The add-on provides live transliteration of English typing text into Hindi by giving suggestions for C-DOT webmail users.
63 个用户
Urdu Arabic Persian Uyghur - Font / Size Change
Size & Font Changer in ANY Website Like Twitter,Facebook, Wikipedia etc.Any site as long as there's text in Arabic,Urdu,Persian, Punjabi, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kazakh, Kurdish, Somali, Pashto, Balochi, Dari, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Bengali, Hindi
63 个用户
add a "urban Dictionary" entry in the context menu (when a word is selected), which opens a new tab for the highlited word.
63 个用户
Bộ gõ tiếng Việt AAvim
Gõ tiếng việt trực tiếp trên firefox không cần unikey
63 个用户
Plain Text
"Plain Text" is a notepad for quick notes in your browser.
62 个用户
WaniKani Kanji Highlighter
Unofficial kanji highlighter, matching kanji learned with WaniKani.
62 个用户
screen reader
читалка с экрана, воспроизводит выделенный текст
62 个用户
Яндекс Вордстат Extension
Браузерное расширение Яндекс Вордстат Extension позволяет значительно ускорить сбор поисковых фраз из сервиса подбора слов Яндекс Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru) и производить их экспорт в буфер обмена либо в Excel.
61 个用户
61 个用户
This extension allows you to make spellcheck work on whole page body.
61 个用户
工具栏按钮, 弹窗显示选中词或短语的翻译. 词典数据包含在插件之中. 不依赖任何在线翻译服务. 词典数据来源: https://github.com/skywind3000/ECDICT 经裁剪后, 插件安装文件仍有13+MB. 安装后, 插件启动时载入所有词典数据需几秒(本机测试大约2秒). 此后每次查询不需重载词典.
61 个用户
Google Translate Extension
Google Translate
60 个用户
Captions Extractor
Extract caption text of vedio if it is a .srt file
60 个用户
MOJi辞書 Plugin
60 个用户
Wikimedia Input Tools
A firefox browser extension for jquery.ime input method library. Enables to type in various languages on the websites, supporting more than 220 input methods across more than 120 languages.
60 个用户
Instant Malayalam
View Malayalam meanings easily while browsing.
60 个用户
多引擎翻译 for yadatta
59 个用户