UrduBar - Write Urdu on webpage.
UrduBar is a WebBrowser extension that allows for typing Urdu,Arabic,Farsi on webpages.
9 个用户
SignUp - Sign Language for Netflix & Disney+
This extension allows the user to overlay videos of American Sign Language interpreting onto Disney+ and Netflix videos.
9 个用户
Acronymify recognize all your acronyms on the web. Define your acronyms and their definitions, select a word on any web page, open the extension, and here you go!
9 个用户
Unofficial '体繁体拼音广东话转换' port
Convert simplified to normal Chinese, or vice-versa! Convert Automatically between different types of Chinese (Pinyin, Cantonese GB2312 and BIG5). Unofficial port based on "簡體繁體拼音廣東話轉換 Simplified/Traditional Chinese" from Chrome
9 个用户
一键翻译中文成英文或日文并搜索的效率工具,支持网页中划词翻译并搜索, 即指即译即搜;也可以点击翻立搜图标进行翻译及搜素,快捷方便,
9 个用户
つながる英単語 Picker
マウスを当てるだけ。英単語を瞬間検索! 「つながる英単語Picker」はブラウザで利用いただける辞書ツールです。 ウェブサイトの文章はもちろん、YouTubeの字幕にも対応します。 調べたい英語にマウスを当てるだけで、単語の意味を瞬時に検索します。 【つながる英単語 picker では以下のことが可能です】 ・ウェブサイト上の単語や熟語の意味が調べられる ・YouTube の字幕にも対応! ・復習したい単語は保存ができる ・好きな辞書データをインポート可能
9 个用户
Read It For Me on Twitch
This extension will help you to read message automatically
8 个用户
Lyrics Translator on Spotify
Translate song lyrics in Spotify quickly and easily. An extension that translates lyrics in Spotify.
8 个用户
Ersetzt die gängigsten Formen von gegenderter Sprache durch den Genderclown🤡.
8 个用户
Adicione atalhos simples para o dicionarios.cc direto do seu navegador.
8 个用户
8 个用户
FOR USE ON LINGQ.COM FEATURES → Gathers Audio/Timestamps/Sentences/Translations/Youtube of the lesson → Creates ANKI cards based on new words in the lesson (Without LingQing them) → ZIPS everything together for easy lesson editing.
8 个用户
Rooster Lesson Editor - LingQ
For use on LingQ.com A GUI appears during lesson edit that manipulates the elements. FEATURES: → Add/Delete/Modify text of the lesson in a block format → Select if each line is paragraph header or a sentence → Split existing lines
8 个用户
Text Correction
This extension offers spelling and grammar correction for translated text.
8 个用户
Cambridge Learner's Dictionary
A simple script to look up Cambridge Learner's English Dictionary online. This is a fork of Vin's Cambridge Dictionary add-on. Uses the Learner's Dictionary.
8 个用户
An editing writing mistakes tool over text-areas
8 个用户
DnD Beyond Kit
Translate, add common metrics, and add new features to your D&D Beyond pages.
8 个用户
Word up!
Double-click a word to see its definition (from Wordnik).
8 个用户
Translate selected text on Google Translate
Opens new tab with Google Translate for selected text. Currently only English to Polish, but will expand soon.
8 个用户
Mini Translator
Translate a text to a different language
8 个用户
Greeklish to Greek
Change Greeklish characters to Greek - Greeklish σε Ελληνικό κείμενο
8 个用户
lookup with tratu
E-V dictionary
8 个用户
TWiC - Translation of words in context
TWiC is a terminological assistance program for readers of foreign language documents.
8 个用户
Beautifies Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Pashto and other right-to-left (RTL) languages
8 个用户
Latinify Reborn - Slavic
A port of the Latinify Chrome extension, now on Firefox! Converting cyrillic to latinic for the purpose of easier reading! This version uses č, ć, đ, ž, š instead of sh, ch and etc.
8 个用户