Tiện ích đọc EPUB
87 个用户
showModalDialog Shim
showModalDialog shim rewrites deprecated showModalDialog() to function so it works in newer browsers! Useful for legacy enterprise web applications Ported from chrome version at
87 个用户
WebAssembly Detector
Detects loading of WebAssembly file.
87 个用户
Ultra Compact Mouse Gesture Extension.
87 个用户
facebook friendslist remover
removes facebook friendslist in sidebar
87 个用户
B Slow
Be slow. 上B站 (Bilibili) 看视频卡不卡? 让它轻一点卡。延时和错峰出行,道路千万条通畅安全第一条。(alpha, experimental) (这是一个仍在试验阶段的东西,不保证可靠性) Delay some of some websites' resources load , to prevent device being laggy.
87 个用户
GORICO Screenshot Utility
87 个用户
Vox2 800% V1.0 - x2 ( HxN )
Up to 800% volume boost
87 个用户
Motivate Clock | Time Tracker
Motivate Clock is incredibly simple and absolutely free time tracking assistant for anyone whose work involves working with computers.
87 个用户
Switch or close tabs with a button
87 个用户
Amazon Unsponsored
Entfernt die "Sponsored"-Produkte, die in der Suchergebnisliste auftauchen. Alle Anderen Empfehlungen, sowie Sponsored-Produkte in Kopf und Fuß bleiben bestehen.
87 个用户
"Wikidata for Firefox" is a browser extension that allows users to easily access information from Wikidata while browsing the web.
87 个用户
/r/xTrill Link Fixing Tool
A tool to easily navigate to the download pages from xTrill keys
86 个用户
Procrastination Guard Site Blocker
Blocks specified websites, or only allows access to specified websites, in order to avoid procrastination.
86 个用户
DocLogix Signature
DocLogix Signature Extension
86 个用户
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
86 个用户
സ്വനലേഖ - Swanalekha
Transliteration based Malayalam input tool
86 个用户
Copy to Workflowy
Copies the current tab's title and address so that it can be pasted into Workflowy.
86 个用户
Unlock Keyboard & Mouse
Unblock Mouse Clicks, Selection, Drag & Drop, Cut, Copy, Paste and more...
86 个用户
WikiTree AGC
The WikiTree AGC (Automatic GEDCOM Cleanup) extension allows users of to automatically reformat biographies created by GEDCOMpare. It adds a button to the wikitree profile edit page when the profile looks like one created by GEDCOMpare.
86 个用户
Open in Visual Studio Code
Adds an "Open in Visual Studio Code" button to GitHub repos
86 个用户
ReadX Text To Speech
Text to speech Extension, works on Android
86 个用户
Wordreference Shortcut
Translate with WordReference directly from the address bar.
85 个用户
Carta kopiert Warenkörbe zu easyWerkstatt!
85 个用户
Fusion Tables
Easy to Search and Find Tables of the Oracle Fusion Suite
85 个用户