MLB TV Improved UI
Improves the UI of the MLB TV web player
4 个用户
Upřesňuje texty o Andreji Babišovi. 1) Nainstalujte rozšíření. 2) Čtěte libovolný článek o AB.
4 个用户
Fullscreen Everywhere
Allows you to use fullscreen mode in all videos in any website (works only for youtube and dailymotion videos, and natives ones)
4 个用户
Maxi´s AD Skipper YT
Esta es una extension hecha por SweetMax, que sirve principalmente para saltar los anuncios automaticamente, es de mucha utilidad a la hora de estar acostado viendo un video o estando sentado y no querer tocar el mouse, esta extension lo hara por ti!
4 个用户
Reverse Image Search Master
Adds reverse image search engines into your Mozilla Firefox!
4 个用户
Youtube Shorts Removed
This extension hides shorts from the Youtube homepage and the suggestion box when watching a video (basically from anywhere).
4 个用户
3x YouTube Speed
Increase YouTube video speed up to 3x. Use Shortcut keys Q, W, E, R, D to change speeds between 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 2.5x, 3x.
4 个用户
Snapshot Taker
Capture snapshots of the current webpage.
4 个用户
Rotates the web page you are on
3 个用户
niconico annict addon
ニコニコ動画で Annict の視聴記録管理を可能にする Firefox Addon
3 个用户
Davinchi OIL
Send content to Davinchi Resolve BIN from browser, works in tandem with code from this github repo 4Fortune8/DavinciResolveOIL Code can be found here aswell
3 个用户
YouTube Joeyify
Modify YouTube thumbnails to include Joey and Fren
3 个用户
Twitter Image Fixer
A small browser add-on that fixes Twitter's weird image behavior.
3 个用户
YouTube Music Policy
A web extension to automate checking large amount of music files via YouTube Music Policies web-page. Useful for DJs and people who are using theirs music collection as soundtrack for YouTube videos and online translations.
3 个用户
Vaia's Repost Annihilator
Hides and skips reposted tracks on your SoundCloud stream with one click.
3 个用户
Latest WSJ Videos
See the latest and most popular WSJ Wall Street Journal Videos daily. Free-to-watch videos daily in just 1-Click. Extension uses 3rd party site ( for operation.
3 个用户
Keep track of your Derpibooru notifications and messages in (almost) real time.
3 个用户
PMeeting Capturing
Chụp ảnh màn hình và chuyển đổi thành video chia sẻ lên PMeeting!
3 个用户
myTube! Companion
Redirect YouTube links to the myTube! Windows 10 app
3 个用户
Fido Fetch!
Remember those YouTube tunes that you once loved, but completely forgot? Fido will give you a random throwback on demand!
3 个用户
3 个用户
Bitcoin Bitcoin
Easy bitcoin price ticker, powered by pornhub
3 个用户
Retro Youtube Filter
Watch Youtube in Black and White
3 个用户
Nyan cat extension
Nyan cat in youtube bar extension
3 个用户
youtube video playback manager
Sets constant playback rate.
3 个用户