1,620 个用户
Video Recorder
Easily record video & audio from your computer's camera
1,605 个用户
Save Image to Downloads
Adds a right click direct download context menu item for images like on Safari.
1,595 个用户
YouTube Auto Like
Automatically like YouTube videos from your favorite content creators.
1,592 个用户
Go To Playing Tab
Goes to the tab emitting sound
1,583 个用户
Youtube Video Looper
Ever wonder how good it will be to auto repeat your favorite songs and videos from Youtube. Now you can experience to your songs favorite songs and videos on loop with this addon. PS. Also works with Facebook.
1,581 个用户
Image Block X
Image Block X gives you a simple button to change whether or not to load images. Click it once to stop Firefox from loading images, and click it again to allow images again. It's that simple!
1,576 个用户
Full Page Screen Capture & Visual Feedback
Take a screenshot of a full page of the browser screen and add new comments.
1,565 个用户
Mute Tabs based of URL.
1,537 个用户
[Open Source] Automatically collects twitch channel points even in fullscreen or when using others tabs. Show you the amount of points collected from the beginning !
1,536 个用户
TIFF viewer
Intercepts any resource requests that end in .tif or .tiff and converts them into data urls using an emscripten port of libtiff.
1,530 个用户
audioff - audio device selector
Select audio output device for each tab.
1,526 个用户
1,526 个用户
视频弹出工具 - Popup Tool
这个扩展的功能是弹出HTML5的视频到独立窗口, 目前支持的视频网站有 Youtube, Bilibili, 腾讯视频, 优酷, 爱奇艺, 斗鱼直播. 其他网站上的视频可能不能完美支持. “窗口置顶”请参考扩展页面描述的内容
1,510 个用户
Play in VLC™
Detect streamable video and audio sources and offer to play them in VLC multimedia player
1,508 个用户
1,504 个用户
Batch Image Downloader
This extension allow you to choose images from your current session and to save them. With a clear and simple interface you will be able to do many things to get your favorites images.
1,499 个用户
Additional functionality for the browser's default image and video viewer.
1,494 个用户
make video fullscreen in window
1,494 个用户
NZB Unity
Send and control NZB files directly with SABnzbd or NZBGet download clients.
1,492 个用户
Better Image Viewer
This add-on enhances Firefox's image viewer with scroll-to-zoom and drag-to-pan functionality.
1,483 个用户
Image Downloader for IW
Easily download and save desired images for instagram web with just one click.
1,462 个用户
Video Player
Web audio and video player with speed control and volume boosting
1,448 个用户
Video Scrubber for Instagram
Displays player controls for video content on Instagram. Because why isn't that already a feature?
1,447 个用户
Audio Only for YouTube™
Listen to audio (no video) in YouTube and all embedded videos.
1,444 个用户