Youtube Playback Speed Buttons
Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '>>' button to increase and '<<' button to decrease the playback speed.
144 个用户
iCloud Fullscreen
iCloud fullscreen, as the name implies, is your iCloud apps in a gorgeous fullscreen window. It’s an amazing way to experience iCloud, distraction free.
144 个用户
Skips/mutes/blanks selected parts of streaming videos
144 个用户
Video Mirror
Flip videos to their original position
144 个用户
치지직에서 그리드를 우회하여 쾌적하게 고화질 스트리밍을 시청할 수 있도록 합니다.
144 个用户
143 个用户
RYM Stats
Enhance your RateYourMusic experience with integration - view scrobble stats, recent tracks and top albums directly on RYM pages.
143 个用户
PDF Tools - Convert, Resize & Merge
Manipulate PDF documents via Ghostscript interpreter right in your browser.
143 个用户
Better YouTube Theatre Mode
Improves YouTube's theater mode by making use of all of the available height.
143 个用户
Video URL Extractor
Extract the video URL from the current page. For now works only for the following websites: - Allocine: -- When accessing the teaser section of a movie.
143 个用户
Automatically tries out yum codes which can be redeemed on for free digital tracks or albums.
142 个用户
YouTube™ Stop Button
Adds an stop button to HTML5 player to prevent YouTube from buffering video
142 个用户
Extension for EXIF and image properties in a classic representation.
142 个用户
Redirects any links to your arbitrary address by customizable filters.
141 个用户
Show YouTube comments while watching
Show YouTube comments on the right of the video.
141 个用户
UploadCC: Screen Capture Tool (Share or Save)
Simple Screen Capture Tool Select the area which you want to capture. You can choose to upload it and share with your friend or download it.
141 个用户
Youtube Thumbnail Downloader
View and Download YouTube thumbnail in 1 Single Click.
141 个用户
Watch Later
Allows you to add any video to the list of "to watch" in easy way. Watch Later allows you to save title, link to the video and time when you stopped watching video. Supports autofill data for YouTube.
140 个用户
Bandcamp Scrobbler
Scrobble albums on Bandcamp to
140 个用户
Open YouTube in a new tab
This Firefox addon adds a YouTube button to the top toolbar. This button opens YouTube in a new tab.
140 个用户
Board: Papier for Firefox
A simple way to keep your thoughts, tasks, plans in one place, right in your browser. Whenever you open your browser you have your task/thoughts list ready, same on a new tab. The first thing you see on your browser is your scribbled thoughts.
139 个用户
Get a .txt file of all the TikTok videos from an user/audio/hashtag/liked videos/saved videos etc, so that they can be downloaded with yt-dlp.
139 个用户
Soundcloud Download
This extension adds a download button to Soundcloud pages, allowing you to download tracks or their thumbnail.
138 个用户
Youtube Zero Annotations
Watch Youtube Videos without the annoying Annotations + Texts and Clickable Links in Videos. It removes also Annotations from all Embedded HTML5 + Flash Players on All Websites, Domains and Blogs. The new Version 1.0.7 Removes All Annotations.
138 个用户
Video Rotator Deluxe (VRD)
Rotate videos on the web how you want!
138 个用户