YouTube Screenshoter
Take screenshots from YouTube video
48 个用户
Surf Without Login for Google
Remove login in box automatically that forces you to login. And surf Google without login
48 个用户
XPaint 图像编辑器和画家
48 个用户
Control+LeftClick an image to open Save As dialog.
48 个用户
LiveJimaku (YouTube Live subtitles)
YouTube のライブコメントから字幕を生成します。 Generate subtitles from YouTube live comments.
48 个用户
Cling Button
Cling ist dein Platz für alles, an dem nie etwas verloren geht. Verbinde deine Notizen, Bookmarks, Medien und Dokumente auf gut strukturierten und wunderschönen Boards. Cling ist kostenlos.
48 个用户
VideoNail - Floating YouTube
Watch YouTube videos on any site in a floating, always on top window. Scroll down to the comment section to see it in action! The player will stay on the screen even after navigating to another site.
48 个用户
Local Video Player
A minimalistic and comfortable UI for playing locally stored video files, supports loading directories as playlists
48 个用户
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Astronomy Picture of the Day as a Popup in your Browser!
47 个用户
waView, Beyond the web
Fast, offline image viewer built with WebAssembly technology. You can open 100 image formats including JPG, PNG, TIFF, JXR, RAW.
47 个用户
Панель управления Я.Музыка
Простая панель управления Яндекс Музыкой
47 个用户
Filmweb in HBO GO
Displays movies' recommendations from in HBO GO (
47 个用户
Video Audio Booster: Enhance Volume and Enjoy High-Quality Audio
47 个用户
Youtube Spoiler Blocker
Blocking video length information from specific Youtube videos to avoid spoilers.
47 个用户
Ask Screenshot for Claude
47 个用户
Handbrake - 视频转换器
47 个用户
Send to DUNE
Sends YouTube, Rutube and other links to DUNE for playback Отправляет YouTube, Rutube и др. ссылки на DUNE-HD. Contribution/Поддержать add-on. WebMoney: Z106428837866 E536764172541 R161459958004 U265097888333 YandexMoney: 410013615273570
47 个用户
Imgur Grid View
Automatically switches to grid view when an Imgur album or gallery is opened.
46 个用户
The Ending of Evangelion
Listen to the original Neon Genesis Evangelion endings on Netflix.
46 个用户
rimgo (Farside)
Use rimgo instead of Imgur.
46 个用户
Karamel: View Reddit comments on YouTube™
Step up your viewing experience by embedding relevant Reddit comments under YouTube videos.
46 个用户
Generate QR Code
Generate QR Code for the active tab
46 个用户
Tube Sub Export
Adds download button for subscription list in xml format.
46 个用户
Youtube Kids Redirect
Redirects you to youtube kids when you enter youtube. Youtube Kids Redirect is open-source:
45 个用户
chibisafe Uploader
Uploader for chibisafe.
45 个用户