Radio Meuh Player
Écoutez le stream audio officiel de « Radio Meuh » directement dans votre navigateur Web. Il suffit de cliquer sur l'image de la Meuh pour activer ou désactiver la lecture. Enjoy music from reblochonland !
14 个用户
#NowPlaying for Google Play Music
Share music playing on Youtube Music to SNS. ## Supported SNS - Twitter
14 个用户
YouTube Pulse
Like or dislike any second of the video!
14 个用户
Смотреть фильмы онлайн
Все фильмы интернета в одном расширении, поиск и просмотр фильмов онлайн
14 个用户
Kick Tools'u harika özelliklerle geliştirin!
14 个用户
Jellyfin Random Button
Adds a random button to the Jellyfin web client
14 个用户
Видео с VK и YOUTUBE вместе
Смотрите видео с VK и YOUTUBE вместе с друзьями
14 个用户
IVI Fixer
Исправляет воспроизведение видео на сайте
13 个用户
Translatify: Spotify Lyrics Translation
Customizable Spotify lyrics translation of your favorite songs.
13 个用户
Crunchyroll Dimming
Remove screen dimming effect in Crunchyroll
13 个用户
Vulguard: Video Profanity Filter
Vulguard is a profanity filter for internet videos. Supports: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Video, PeacockTV, and YouTube
13 个用户
CJ opener
Это расширение позволяет открывать галереии некоторых сайтов с зашифрованными ссылками (TGP) напрямую, минуя редирект.
13 个用户
Show movie rating from
13 个用户
Resizing Video to fit browser screen
13 个用户
13 个用户
RIP Youtube Autopause
Puts the Youtube Autopause feature in the grave.
13 个用户
Adds a link to corresponding Bandcamp page for tracks in NTS ( playlists.
13 个用户
Download Images
Displays all webpage images and allows user to download
13 个用户
תוסף לסינון תמונות באצרים של חברת כשר פליי
13 个用户
YouTube Nyan Cat -喵喵喵
YouTube 动画 Nyan Cat 进度条主题!
13 个用户
Tab Playback Device Selector
Firefox Browser Tab Playback Device Selector
13 个用户
Spotify Playlist Builder
Generate a random playlist from everything stored in My Library, including liked tracks, albums and playlists.
13 个用户
YouTube Video Filter
Adds filters button on Youtube, above youtube home button, that can filter videos by different filters.
13 个用户
Popup Player for Spotify™
Control Spotify web player from a toolbar popup (includes play, pause, skip previous and next tracks)
13 个用户
Simple Youtube controller
Simple Youtube player controller.
13 个用户