Plex Library Exporter
Allows users to export and download their Plex libraries into TXT, CSV, and JSON files. Great for making spreadsheets of your collection!
10 个用户
Media Controller
Controls Media elements from Add-on bar on Toolbox Features: -Control playback -Focus any site -Site/media volume Control -Seek media -PIP (to be available soon)
10 个用户
This is an WebExtension addon based on my ViewTube+ userscript. For more information read:
10 个用户
Redirect YouTube Shorts to standard player
Redirects youtube shorts to the standard player.
10 个用户
youtube watch time limiter
Sends you to a different website after a certain amount of time spent on YouTube and makes YouTube inaccessible for a period of time afterwards.
10 个用户
Hides Hulu thumbnails and next episode summaries to prevent spoilers.
10 个用户
YouTube (un)cookify
Quickly switch context to watch YouTube video without impacting your watch history!
10 个用户
Åsberg Slideshow
Allows users to right-click imgur albums and reddit subs links to open them on å
10 个用户
Get Me Radio!
Your Radio and Podcast directory. Browse and listen to tons of Radio Stations and Podcasts!
10 个用户
Add googly eyes to photos on sites you browse! Tweet your best with #googlifier! Created by @stephanwozniak with help from mtschirs.
10 个用户
YouTube Timestamps to Playlist
When viewing a video on YouTube containing multiple songs, this extension builds a playlist with "time tags" found on the page. It allows you to easily seek within a song or change to another track. It also displays a "now playing" notification.
10 个用户
Easily rehosts images from the web.
10 个用户
Viewers back to bottom (Twitch)
Rearrange Twitch layout to place the viewers and title back at the bottom of the stream.
10 个用户
Image Searcher
Allows selecting an area of the page to do a reverse image search.
10 个用户
SoundCloud Remove Comment Popups
Removes soundcloud comment popups.
10 个用户
Pixiv Quick Open Unfavorited
Opens all unfavorited illustrations up to the last favorited illustration.
10 个用户
YouTube Ad Skipper
Speeds up and skips YouTube ads automatically.
10 个用户
Blur Images
Blur images and show up on mouve over Only on
10 个用户
ResetEra Disable Lazy Load
Unofficial addon to disable lazy loading of images on
10 个用户
Kim Autoplay
Automatically advances between videos on
10 个用户
YouTube AntiSpoiler
Hide time display and progress bar for YouTube videos matching by words in title
10 个用户
Youtube Media Buttons Fix
Naprawia klawisze multimedialne na youtube.
10 个用户
deviantArt Blocker
Block selected artists on DeviantArt's Eclipse browser page. Hide images from artists that are of poor quality, offensive, of no interest. Simply click the X button bottom right of any image. Also optinally block Subscribtion Adverts.
10 个用户
PNG Transparency Checker
A browser extension that checks if an image is a true PNG with a transparent background. Right-click on any image to verify its transparency. Ideal for web developers, designers, and anyone working with images.
10 个用户
Speed Ads
Auto-adjusts YouTube ads to 16x speed.
10 个用户