AdBlocker Ultimate
Completely remove ALL ads. No “acceptable” ads or whitelisted advertisers allowed. This free extensions also helps block trackers and malware.
1,678,544 个用户
AdBlock 广告过滤器 版
最受欢迎的 Chrome 和 Safari 广告拦截工具,现在也支持 Firefox 啦! 可以拦截所有网页上的所有广告,以及 Facebook、YouTube 和 Hulu 上的广告。 还可以让您的浏览器变得更快! 大部分广告根本就不会被下载,节约您的时间和带宽。
1,360,740 个用户
Facebook Container
Prevent Facebook from tracking you around the web. The Facebook Container extension for Firefox helps you take control and isolate your web activity from Facebook.
1,087,468 个用户
Norton Safe Web
Protects your browser from online threats.
549,492 个用户
LastPass Password Manager
LastPass是一款让您的上网浏览更便捷更安全的免费在线密码管理器和表单过滤器。LastPass以插件的形式支持IE和Firefox(Opera, Safari, Chrome, iPhone,Opera 通过书签小工具形式支持),它允许您从任何主流的密码存储器导入和导出密码,捕获其它管理器无法捕获的密码包括很多AJAX表单。它也允许您轻松地创建强大的密码。您的敏感信息在上传之前已在本地计算机上加密,因此就算是LastPass的员工也无法得到密码信息。一次性密码和屏幕键盘帮助保护您的主密码。
516,083 个用户
Malwarebytes Browser Guard
The fastest and safest web browsing experience. Secure your privacy by blocking trackers, blocking ads, and blocking malicious content.
488,263 个用户
Browsec VPN - Free VPN for Firefox
Unblock geographically restricted content and protect your IP with Browsec’s add-on. With this Firefox VPN extension, you can stay anonymous for an unlimited time! Use free remote servers to hide your location and access any content you want.
467,631 个用户
403,573 个用户
Firefox Multi-Account Containers
Firefox Multi-Account Containers lets you keep parts of your online life separated into color-coded tabs. Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple accounts and integrate Mozilla VPN for an extra layer of privacy.
395,025 个用户
1Password: Password Manager
The best way to experience 1Password in your browser. Easily sign in to sites, generate passwords, and store secure information, including logins, credit cards, notes, and more.
381,456 个用户
I don't care about cookies
Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites!
302,647 个用户
Web Threat Shield
289,546 个用户
Firefox Relay
Firefox Relay lets you generate email aliases that forward to your real inbox. Use it to hide your real email address and protect yourself from hackers and unwanted mail.
234,115 个用户
Norton Password Manager
Norton Password Manager. Free password security you can trust.
227,840 个用户
This extension protects users from being tracked while allowing them to search the web in complete private mode.
217,843 个用户
Cookie AutoDelete
Control your cookies! This WebExtension is inspired by Self Destructing Cookies. When a tab closes, any cookies not being used are automatically deleted. Keep the ones you trust (forever/until restart) while deleting the rest. Containers Supported
211,193 个用户
Browsing Protection by F-Secure
Extension for protecting encrypted browsing with security products by F-Secure.
203,551 个用户
NordVPN - a VPN proxy extension for Firefox
Looking for the best VPN extension for Firefox? NordVPN's Firefox VPN proxy extension lets you hide your IP, change your virtual location, and stay safe online with a click. Get a fast, secure, and unlimited VPN for Firefox!
201,523 个用户
ESET Browser Privacy & Security
通过 ESET 浏览器隐私政策和安全性(包括独特的元数据清理、安全搜索等),享有扩展的浏览器防护。
192,540 个用户
Belgium eID
Use the Belgian electronic identity card (eID) in Firefox
154,829 个用户
Dashlane Password Manager
Dashlane makes the internet easier. Save all your passwords, fill forms fast, and keep your data accessible and safe.
133,482 个用户
128,383 个用户
Hoxx VPN Proxy
Hoxx VPN Proxy service to unblock blocked websites, hide your location and encrypt your connection. Completely free.
123,226 个用户
Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager (
120,312 个用户
VeePN - Unlimited Free & Fast Security VPN
快速,超安全且易于使用的VPN服务,可在线保护您的隐私。 享受无限的流量和带宽!
106,066 个用户